Section for One Pager on Homepage disappeared after updating cutomizr
Since Customizr Verion 3.4.36 my section that I added on the homepage, is no longer shown. I used the code was shown on the customizr website as an example for one pagers. This code used to work perfectly fine since this last update. Please help, I need this section back on my homepage
Even worse I developed a homepage for someone else as a complete one pager with customizr. Luckily I did not upgrade that version of customizr yet, so that one still works. But it would be a shame if I couldn’t upgrade that version anymore and couldn’t continue to use customizr for one-pager sites.
Thanks for your help!
Here is the code I used from a post from Customizr (just copy&paste) that used to work before rel 3.4.34:
/** Code from customizr - Sections für one pager - hier für Suchfeld auf Homepage! * kg, 18.5.2016 * */ function add_custom_sections ( $args ) { //set up global vars with the section parameters global $section_params; $defaults = array( 'ids' => array(3878) , 'hook' => '__after_main_wrapper' , 'priority' => 0, 'layout' => 'full', 'context' => 'home', 'blur' => true, 'apply_shadow' => true, 'background' => 'thumb' ); $section_params = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); //sets up hooks add_action ( 'wp_head' , '_hook_setup' ); add_action('wp_head' , '_my_custom_sections_style'); } $my_sections_args = array( 'ids' => array(3878 ), 'blur' => 0, 'background' => array(3878 => "#9db668" ), 'context' => 'home', 'hook' => '__before_main_wrapper', 'apply_shadow' => false, 'layout' => 'full', ); add_custom_sections ( $my_sections_args ); function _hook_setup() { //gets section(s) parameters global $section_params; extract( $section_params , EXTR_OVERWRITE ); //check context $context_type = is_numeric($context) ? 'post' : $context; switch ( $context_type ) { case 'post': if ( $context != get_the_ID() ) return; break; default : if ( ! tc__f('__is_home') ) return; break; } //sets up hook add_action ( $hook , '_display_my_custom_sections' , $priority); } function _display_my_custom_sections() { //gets section(s) parameters global $section_params; extract( $section_params , EXTR_OVERWRITE ); //check if we have posts ids if ( ! is_array($ids) || empty($ids) ) return; while ( $current_id = current($ids) ) { $section_object = get_post($current_id); if ( empty($section_object) ) { next($ids); continue; } ob_start() ?> <div class="row-fluid custom-section custom-section-<?php echo $current_id ?>"> <div class="custom-section-background"></div> <div id="content span12" class="article-container"> <article> <div class="entry-content"> <?php echo apply_filters('the_content' , $section_object -> post_content ); ?> </div> </article> </div> <?php //adds an edit link $edit_enabled = ( (is_user_logged_in()) && current_user_can('edit_pages') && ( 'page' == $section_object -> post_type) ) ? true : false; $edit_enabled = ( (is_user_logged_in()) && current_user_can('edit_post' , $current_id ) && ( 'page' != $section_object -> post_type ) ) ? true : $edit_enabled; if ( $edit_enabled ) printf('<a class="edit-link btn btn-inverse" href="%1$s" title="%2$s" target="_blank">%2$s</a>', get_edit_post_link($current_id), ( 'page' == $section_object -> post_type ) ? __( 'Edit page' , 'customizr' ) : __( 'Edit post' , 'customizr' ) ); ?> </div> <?php $html = ob_get_contents(); if ($html) ob_end_clean(); //wrap in a container if layout is not set to full if ( 'full' != $layout ) printf('<div class="container boxed-section">%1$s</div>', $html); else echo $html; next($ids); }//end while loop } function _my_custom_sections_style() { //gets section(s) parameters global $section_params; extract( $section_params , EXTR_OVERWRITE ); if ( ! is_array($ids) || empty($ids) ) return; ?> <style type="text/css" id="my-sections-style"> .custom-section { position: relative; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,.25); box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25); } .custom-section .article-container { position: relative; z-index: 10; padding: 20px; color: grey; width: 90%; padding: 3% 5%; vertical-align: middle; display: inline-block; position: relative; } .custom-section { display:none; } <?php if ($apply_shadow) : ?> .custom-section .article-container { background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr='#33000000', endColorstr='#33000000', GradientType=0); } <?php endif;?> .full-width-section .custom-section .article-container { padding: 0px; } .custom-section .edit-link.btn { z-index: 100; position: absolute; bottom: 10px; right: 10px; right: 12px; z-index: 100; display: block; } .custom-section-background { height: 100%; position: absolute; width: 100%; z-index: 0; } <?php if ( false != $blur) : ?> <?php $blur = !is_numeric($blur) ? 4 : $blur; ?> .custom-section-background { -webkit-filter: blur(<?php echo $blur; ?>px); -moz-filter: blur(<?php echo $blur; ?>px); -o-filter: blur(<?php echo $blur; ?>px); -ms-filter: blur(<?php echo $blur; ?>px); filter: blur(<?php echo $blur; ?>px); } <?php endif; ?> <?php $i = 4; foreach ($ids as $key => $post_id) { if ( ! _set_section_background( $background, $post_id, $i ) ) continue; echo _set_section_background( $background, $post_id, $i ); $i = ($i < 10 ) ? $i+1 : 1; }//end for each ?> </style> <?php } function _set_section_background($background, $post_id, $i) { if ( 'none' == $background || ( is_array($background) && isset($background[$post_id]) && 'none' == $background[$post_id] ) ) return false; if ( 'randcolors' == $background || ( is_array($background) && isset($background[$post_id]) && $background[$post_id] == 'randcolors' ) ) { //random colors $rand_color_key = ''; $colors = array("#510300" , "#4D2A33", "#2B3F38", "#03A678" ,"#7A5945" , "#807D77" ,"#073233", "#B3858A","#F57B3D", "#449BB5", "#043D5D", "#EB5055", "#68C39F", "#1A4A72", "#4B77BE", "#5C97BF", "#F5AE30", "#EDA737", "#C8C8C8", "#13181C", "#248F79", "#D95448", "#26B89A" , "#EC6766", "#E74C3C"); $rand_color_key = array_rand($colors, 1); return sprintf('.custom-section-%1$s .custom-section-background {background-color:%2$s;opacity: 0.8;}', $post_id, $colors[$rand_color_key] ); }//end if random colors //if background is a color or an associative array of post_id => color if ( ! is_array($background) && false !== strpos($background, '#') || ( is_array($background) && isset($background[$post_id]) && false !== strpos($background[$post_id], '#') ) ) { return sprintf('.custom-section-%1$s .custom-section-background {background-color:%2$s;opacity: 0.8;}', $post_id, is_array($background) ? $background[$post_id] : $background ); } // end if color defined $is_rand_image = ( 'randimages' == $background || ( is_array($background) && isset($background[$post_id]) && $background[$post_id] == 'randimages' ) ) ? true : false; $attachment_id = has_post_thumbnail($post_id) ? get_post_thumbnail_id( $post_id ) : false ; $thumb_src = '' .$i ; $thumb_src = ( ! $is_rand_image && false != $attachment_id ) ? wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, 'large', false ) : $thumb_src; $thumb_src = is_array($thumb_src) ? $thumb_src[0] : $thumb_src; return sprintf('.custom-section-%1$s .custom-section-background {background: url("%2$s") no-repeat center center fixed;-webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; }', $post_id, $thumb_src ); } //end of _set_section_background
Logged this as an issue with the developers. Follow it here: had the same issue, in $my_sections_args for the hook parameter I changed the value from __before_main_wrapper to the default value __after_main_wrapper, and it worked again, not sure what the issue is but it is working again. I hope it works for you too. Merry Christmas!
thank you aitorres for your advice. It is a pity – this does not solve the problem on my site. Must be something different…
Has anybody got a solution for this?I found this thread after all my sections disappeared after updating today.
The suggestion of aitorres worked apart from the sections ending up in the wrong place ??then I had a look at:
and decided to use ‘__after_header’ instead. Now my page is back to normal.
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by
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