Hello, Thanks for your help.
Turned auto show in secondary title to off. Added to just below line 220 in functions. php.
Still now showing. Any other ideas?
Below is a snippet of that part of the functions.php to see if I did it right:
// Only load google fonts if any of them is used.. TODO: improve when more google fonts will be added
if ( ! isset( $styles['body_font_family'], $styles['headings_font_family'] ) || preg_grep( '/(Open|Roboto)/', array( $styles['body_font_family'], $styles['headings_font_family'] ) ) ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'satisfy-theme-google-fonts', '//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans%7CRoboto+Slab', array(), null );
if ( is_singular() ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'satisfy-theme-script', SATISFY_THEME_URL . 'js/satisfy-theme-script.js', array( 'jquery' ), SATISFY_THEME_VERSION, true );
//added the following line to get secondary title to show, recommended by Webbjocke, theme designer
$banner[‘slogan’] = get_secondary_title();
// Register sidebars and widgets
function satisfy_add_widgets_to_theme () {
$sidebars = array(
'sidebar-1' => __( 'Sidebar', 'satisfy' ),
'footer-1' => __( 'Footer 1 (left)', 'satisfy' ),
'footer-2' => __( 'Footer 2 (middle)', 'satisfy' ),
'footer-3' => __( 'Footer 3 (right)', 'satisfy' ),
'home-1' => __( 'Home Page', 'satisfy' )