Yeah, that’s possible with CSS — since this is now loaded via my plugin (only some tweaks for those new layouts), you have to use “!important” if you want to override that.
In your case, you can use those classes/ values — the following is the plugin’s default, just change the percentage values to your liking. Please reserve about 4-5% for spacing between those containers, just experiment. The defaults sum up to 96% which keeps the floating and enough space between.
This would be the global default:
/* Sidebar-Alt */
.content-sidebaralt #sidebar-alt,
.sidebaralt-content #sidebar-alt {
width: 19% !important;
/* Content-Sidebar Wrapper */
.content-sidebaralt #content-sidebar-wrap,
.sidebaralt-content #content-sidebar-wrap {
width: 77% !important;
If only used for the home page / front page, then add the body class before, like so:
/* Sidebar-Alt */
.home .content-sidebaralt #sidebar-alt,
.home .sidebaralt-content #sidebar-alt {
width: 19% !important;
/* Content-Sidebar Wrapper */
.home .content-sidebaralt #content-sidebar-wrap,
.home .sidebaralt-content #content-sidebar-wrap {
width: 77% !important;
All these tweaks go into your child theme’s style.css file (make file backup before at best). Just before the “Responsive” section there.
If you want to tweak the responsive rules from my plugin, have a look into my plugin’s sub folder “/css/” and there the file “gle-layout-2col-styles.css” with all the used rules for that layout option.
Good luck!
–Dave ??