Hello there,
Ideally you’ll use a BR (<br />) tag to break the text line. However there’s no way to do that as HTML tag isn’t allowed for security reason. Fortunately you can use jQuery approach to manipulate the default output. Please try doing these steps:
1. Install and activate the TC Custom JavaScript plugin
2. Go To Appearance > Custom JavaScript
3. Paste the following code into the provided box
;(function($) {
if( $('.header-slider').length ) {
$('.header-slider .slide-item').each(function(n){
var pos = n+1;
if( pos == 1 ) {
var subtitle2 = 'My second subtitle line goes here';
var subtitle = $(this).find('.subtitle').html();
$(this).find('.subtitle').html(subtitle + '<br/>' + subtitle2);
Supply your second line text in the subtitle2 variable.
4. Update