Hi @mgparisi
It looks like this issue is occurring because you have used some optimization tool or written some custom code in theme’s function file to optimize the website.
The proper fix of this issue is a little bit complex so it will take us some additional time to implement a full fix & to properly test before releasing. BUT, in the meantime, to resolve it earlier/immediately you can exclude the Diverse JavaScript library (https://api-idx.diversesolutions.com/combo-js?config=dsidxpress-pro) from optimization.
We’re not sure how you’re applying optimization in the website specifically:
– However, if there is some optimization tool you’ll need to exclude “combo-js” from the optimization tool/plugin.
– OR, if you have written some optimization code in theme’s function file then you’ll need to exclude “combo-js” from that code.
If you’re not clear about the resolution, please contact our Support Team directly and reference this link/page so they are aware of the ongoing conversation and able to respond accurately and promptly.