• Resolved k1rushqa


    Pagination on home page works fine.


    however when you use any category where there is more than 1 page (right sidebar) and click to the second page you get 404.

    https://nytravelguide.com/neighborhood-guide/ category page
    https://nytravelguide.com/neighborhood-guide/page/2/ second page for that category with 404.

    Notes: the only changes I made and I believe it cause this error were Settings-Permalinks-under Optional I set Category Base as “.” without “”.

    I did that to eliminate additional URI structure of “category/outdoors” (as an example) and now I got what I want: my URLs for categories are clean “/outdoors”. But now I have 404 with my category pages pagination!

    Please help!

    Thank you very much.

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  • Notes: the only changes I made and I believe it cause this error were Settings-Permalinks-under Optional I set Category Base as “.” without “”.

    Instead of doing it that way, try using the setting in your Yoast SEO plugin:

    Visit SEO → Advanced, click the Permalinks tab, and click Remove just underneath “Strip the category base (usually /category/) from the category URL”, then scroll to the bottom and click “Save Changes”.

    Then see if https://nytravelguide.com/neighborhood-guide/page/2/ loads correctly after that.

    (BTW, this is like the fourth or fifth topic I’ve read here recently where category pagination was 404 AND the category base had been removed from the URLs — so there’s a pattern here, I just haven’t hit on the right one yet.)

    Thread Starter k1rushqa


    Thank you very much it worked.

    I was actually thinking about it but decided to do it WP settings without even testing it in Yoast.

    Thanks a lot.

    By the way you are the best!

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