• Hello, does anybody know if there is a way that you can search posts that have multiple tags with a form using checkboxes?

    For example, I have a form that has two checkboxes for two tags Dogs and cats. When I submit I need it to display all of the posts that have the tags dogs and cats. Is this the best way to do that?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • There used to be some extended search plugin which made a page with all kinds of search options, but I’m still looking for it. For the moment, you might want to look at this one:

    Your theme’s search.php works like any other WordPress template file, if you want to set parameters in the query_posts line, then you can…

    You’ll of course need to add these additional checkboxes to your search form/page, or have you done this already? …

    NOTE: Have you tried querying your search page with tags?
    ie. yoursite.com/?s=searchterm&tag=tagone+tagtwo

    If you want some help expanding the search i don’t mind helping you do so.

    Let’s start with knowing what you’ve done or not done so far, and which file(s) you are editting, and we’ll go from there.

    NOTE: If you intend on posting up any code, please use a pastebin for anything more then a 10 – 20 lines.

    .. ??

    Thread Starter Sryde Digital Marketing


    Thanks for everyone’s replies. t31os_, I have tried querying my search page like: yoursite.com/?tag=tagone+tagtwo (as I only need to search tags) and it displays the post/s that have those specified tags which is exacting what I’m looking for.

    I’m just a little lost as to how I create a search form that will specify those tags that I’m looking for (evidently I’m fairly new to wordpress). I have not created any custom search fields yet. Any help or insight anyone can provide is very much appreciated ??


    Does your theme have a search.php and a search-form.php ..

    search.php will hold the markup around the search form (you can use the default theme for an example).

    search-form.php will hold the form markup, the inputs etc, if you don’t have one create it..

    Place something along these lines in there.

    <form method="get" id="search" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">
    	<label for="keywords">Search:</label>
    	<input type="text" name="s" value="Search" id="keywords" />
    	<input type="submit" value="Go" />

    Then all you need do is add a couple of tag inputs..

    <input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" value="tag-one-name" />
    <input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" value="tag-two-name" />

    Totally untested, but i believe that should work… above 2 lines go wherever you like (inside the <form> code </form> of course)..

    If that doesn’t work, let me know and i’ll go test the code..

    Thread Starter Sryde Digital Marketing


    So long story short, on my search page I want to have a list of all my tags with checkboxes beside them. So when a user checks certain tags, after the click submit, only posts with the selected tags are displayed.

    Eg. yoursite.com/?tag=tagone+tagtwo+tagthree displays the only post with all three tags.

    How can I edit a search form to include all my tags with a checkbox beside each?

    Can you still test the code so i know it works?

    Can do all tags if you want, but i think it might be worthwhile checking the code works before i extend it further.

    Thread Starter Sryde Digital Marketing


    Sorry t31os_, I didn’t see your post before I reposted.

    <form method="get" id="search" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">
        <label for="keywords">Search:</label>
        <input type="text" name="s" value="Search" id="keywords" /><br />
        <input type="checkbox" name="tag['Test1']" value="Test1" /><br />
        <input type="checkbox" name="tag['Test2']" value="Test2" /><br />
        <input type="submit" value="Go" />

    This is the exact code that is in searchform.php. Note I tried searching in the text field for one of my tags (Test1) and it says that it isn’t found. Also note that there is no values beside my checkboxes (I’m assuming i’ve messed up the name value). I’ve also tried checking the checkboxes with no search results showing.

    Any ideas?

    <input type="checkbox" name="tag" value="Test1" /><br />
    <input type="checkbox" name="tag" value="Test2" /><br />

    Will work, although the query looks a little different, it does behave how it’s suppose to.. ??

    Now onto all tags.. bear with me a minute..

    —- edit below —-

    Do you want to show tags that aren’t used, ie. they have a 0 count..

    Place this where you want the checkboxes to appear inside the form..

    $tags = get_terms( 'post_tag' );
    //$tags = get_terms( 'post_tag' , array( 'hide_empty' => 0 ) );
    $checkboxes = '';
    foreach($tags as $tag) :
    	$checkboxes .=
    	'<label for="tag-'.$tag->term_id.'">'.$tag->name.'
    		<input type="checkbox" name="tag" value="'.$tag->name.'" id="tag-'.$tag->term_id.'" /><br />
    print $checkboxes;

    Tested the code to, most certainly works… ??

    Thread Starter Sryde Digital Marketing


    t31os_, thank you so much! One small problem, I just want to display posts that have the both the selected tags. Currently it displays any posts that have either of the tags making the url: yoursite.com/?tag=Test1&tag=Test2. But i need the url to be something like yoursite.com/?tag=Test1+Test2 do you know what I mean?

    I feel like I’m actually getting somewhere with this, thanks a million.


    Thread Starter Sryde Digital Marketing


    Hmmm, one other thing, it appears to only be displaying the last checked item in the search form, I just added a new post with the tag Test3 and when I check all of the tags in the form then submit, it only displays the item tagged Test3.

    My code in searchform.php is as follows:

    <form method="get" id="search" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">
    	$tags = get_terms( 'post_tag' );
    	//$tags = get_terms( 'post_tag' , array( 'hide_empty' => 0 ) );
    	$checkboxes = '';
    	foreach($tags as $tag) :
    		$checkboxes .=
    		'<label for="tag-'.$tag->term_id.'">'.$tag->name.'
    			<input type="checkbox" name="tag" value="'.$tag->name.'" id="tag-'.$tag->term_id.'" /><br />
    	print $checkboxes;
        <input type="submit" value="Go" />

    Any thoughts?

    Thanks again.

    Might be expecting the tag slug, which may differ for you.. (i use the same for test tags)..

    Try changing this..

    <input type="checkbox" name="tag" value="'.$tag->name.'" id="tag-'.$tag->term_id.'" /><br />


    <input type="checkbox" name="tag" value="'.$tag->slug.'" id="tag-'.$tag->term_id.'" /><br />

    Does that help? ??

    RE: The URL, i don’t think you’ll be able to use the ?tag=test+test2 format, and that’s simply a limitation with how WordPress reads the inputs from the search form.

    That’s not to say it can’t be done, but you’d have to write your own search form to do that, the built in search won’t do that as it is… or at least i can’t see how to do it..

    If anyone else has suggestions on how to do it with the built in search as is, i’d welcome an example ..

    With a text input, sure i think it’s easy enough, but not with the checkboxes (for that particular format)….

    Thread Starter Sryde Digital Marketing


    Hmmm, no. It appears to be doing the same thing as before.

    What do you thing?

    You know i’m not sure it does work correctly, i’ve just tested some more tags…

    I know i’ve used multi tag searchs before though, so bear with me and i’ll write something else…

    Thread Starter Sryde Digital Marketing


    I can manually type in all the tags if needed, the checkboxes don’t need to be produced if that makes it any easier. ??

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