Searching for a specific webshop wordpress plugin…
I’ve been asked to find something quite specific, and I must say I’m at a loss, here, my searches yielded no result.
Could I ask here too, please ? Who knows, with chance, someone will know ??
You know of the variety of web shops wordpress plugins, they’re the type of web shops in which you pay once, and then you’re delivered your goods if it’s a downloadable content, or else your purchase is registered and you only have to wait until it is shipped.
What I am trying to find is different, it relies on the idea of a monthly (paid, of course) subscription, in exchange of which the customer can liberally download files. The links to those files may or may not be public, it doesn’t matter, since only the members with an active (paid) subscription will be able to download the scripts.
The payment could be done through credit card processors (ideally) or paypal (if no VISA ready-made implementation exists, or a preprocessor like alertpay integration is not available, I’ll just give up, I only coded once a credit card implementation, for oscommerce, and it was a living hell).Maybe a highly biased and invalid comparison would be something like rapidshare and its premium memberships, but integrated into wordpress.
Would you know if there’s a wordpress extension providing this kind of service ?
Thank you very much if you’ve got a hint ??
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