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  • +1

    The plugin is very nice, and I would buy it, if it wasn’t for the lack of search/filter functionality.

    yes probably 2-3 weeks.

    Thank you

    Has this update been made yet! Very excited to have this capability. Bought the product waiting to be able to use it.

    If not what is your ETA?

    Thank You!

    this update project is in queue, so we will announce here as soon as it’s ready


    This post mentions that the update regarding expanding the search capabilities was in queue. That was 5 months ago.

    Any updates?

    Dear thebioguy,

    At this moment, you can search only by name. There will be expanding search capabilities in the future.

    Thank you.

    Yes, I understand this is coming in the future. But the first mention of this future release was 5 months ago. (Actually, 7 months ago it was supposed to be 3 weeks away from ready).

    Can you give a more accurate time?


    Dear thebioguy,

    We are sorry for the inconvenience. We start adding function for the front end search/filtering for categories and parameters. It will take maximum 2 weeks.

    Thank you.

    Woo Hoo!!

    2 weeks is GOOD NEWS!

    What about DESCRIPTIONS? Please add product descriptions to your search! Please!

    Hi ))
    For now it will be done on categories and parameters
    Description search will be added later

    OK, thanks! I’m looking forward to this!

    Please consider expediting description searches. ??

    Please contact [email protected]
    For pro version the feature is already available

    Are you referring to a not-released-yet Pro version?

    Because, I have the Pro version and it does not search within descriptions or parameters. It ONLY searches within the product Name. Also search function only works on the catalog page you are on. For example, if you have two catalogs “Shirts” and “Pants”, the search bar on the “Pants” page will only search the “Pants” catalog.

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