Hi, Xnau. First, excellent plugin. Second, you are the most patient and polite developer I’ve ever witnessed! Thank you for being so helpful.
In regard to your comment above: I’ve spent a lot of time building the form and the database, and training admins how to use the plugin options, and promising everyone involved in the project that this plugin would do what we needed. It never occurred to me that the plugin would not have multiple-field search capabilities! Not your fault, of course, I should have researched a little deeper before getting so deep into it.
I simply must have the ability to search multiple fields on the front end, just as I do on the back end (on the List Participants page). But trashing everything I’ve done so far and starting over with a new plugin, if I can find one, is a distressing thought. And everything else about this plugin is so fantastic.
I was relieved to read your response to iam2me3 above where you say that it is possible to search multiple fields at once. It means that I am not dead in the water just yet. But then you say it is not particularly simple, so maybe I am, because I don’t know if I can handle it. I’m also on quite a time crunch, so the hair-pulling has already begun.
I know your time is valuable and that you are probably very busy, but is there any way you can give me a brief overview of what is necessary to create this functionality? Ideally, it would mean creating a front end version of the List Participants page (in the admin area of the plugin) on the front end, but anything you can think of to get me closer to that would be GREATLY appreciated.
I would gladly hire you for this, but I know that you are busy and probably couldn’t get to it for a while, and I need it right away, so I’ll have to do it myself, if you are able to point me in the right direction, and if I am able to figure it out. I would pay you even if you could just get me started with maybe a brief explanation or code snippet(s) or general approach. Thanks for any help you can give…