• My boss is asking me to do something I don’t know how to.

    To the best of your knowledge is it possible to do a search on wordpress; then click on one result and have the next page over and page back go to only the search term post.

    “If you search on a topic – say Slow Death. After you go to one of the tips/videos – at the bottom of that tip/video, it should go to the next or the previous Slow Death tip/video – right now goes to a random tip. “

    Aka slow death is fishing technique.

    Thanks for helping.

    here the site.

    Theme is child from colormag from themegrill

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  • Hi @jhinkemeyer,

    There is some detailed information on next post on the Codex. It doesn’t seem to be possible to do what you want to do as the feature works in chronological order not based on search term.

    One work around may be to create video playlists for key search terms (I would love to add an example but I don’t know much about fishing!!). I realise this is very manual but it could get a similar result to what your boss would like.

    Good luck!

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