• Hi. The search result in my website is only displaying the number of post but not the post itself. Here is the link to the result. Link.
    The codes in the search.php is below. Thank you.

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <?php $bavotasan_theme_options = bavotasan_theme_options(); ?>
    	<section id="primary" class="clearfix">
    		<?php if ( have_posts() ) : ?>
    			<header id="search-header">
    				<h1 class="page-title"><?php
    				global $wp_query;
    			    $num = $wp_query->found_posts;
    				printf( '%1$s "%2$s"',
    				    $num . __( ' search results for', 'carton'),
    			</header><!-- #search-header -->
    			<div id="boxes" class="js-masonry" data-masonry-options='{ "columnWidth": <?php echo $bavotasan_theme_options['column_width']; ?>, "itemSelector": ".masonry" }'>
    				<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
    					<?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
    				<?php endwhile; ?>
    			<?php bavotasan_content_nav(); ?>
    		<?php else : ?>
    			<article id="post-0" class="post error404 not-found">
    		    	   	<h1 class="post-title"><?php _e( 'Nothing found', 'carton' ); ?></h1>
    		        <div class="entry">
    		            <p><?php _e( 'No results were found for your search. Please try again.', 'carton' ); ?></p>
    		    </article><!-- #post-0.post -->
    		<?php endif; ?>

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  • What you can do is backup the search.php and create a new search.php file. Open your theme index.php and copy all the code form the index.php to the new search.php.
    If you want to display the search query you can put <?php the_search_query(); ?> inside the search.php where needed.

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