• Hello. I’m not sure if this is a multisite question or just a programming question in general. I have a multisite network setup currently that contains 1 main site and 4 subdomains. I’m trying to find out if it is possible to have a search box on the main site that will allow a user to run a search query on one of the 4 subdomain sites. Basically, I was thinking the search box could be setup with 4 tabs (one for each of the subdomains) and whichever tab was chosen it would send the search query to that site and provide the search results on that site. The search criteria would be real estate information(location, price, # of bedroom, etc), if that helps. Here is an example – The user is on the main site and clicks on the condo tab of the search box because they want to search for a condo. They put in the location, price, etc and click search. The goal would be that they are sent to the condo subdomain with the search results displayed on that page as if they had done a search from the condo site. I am wondering if this is at all possible. And if not possible with the way written, is there a different way to do it that would provide similar results?

    Thank you for your assistance.

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