I realize it is, but the detail is in that the repeatable field data is serialized.
From a widget in my localhost install: a:2:{i:1;a:0:{}s:12:"_multiwidget";i:1;}
It does add complexity because you can’t just set the meta query to look for _multiwidget
. It also depends on what exactly is being stored. Sentences of content? or something predictable like in your case with your latest reply: urls.
I know meta keys can have different meta values and still be valid, may or may not help you here, without need for potential repeater fields.
Otherwise, without diving too far into it myself mentally, perhaps store a setup of “old_url” and “new_url” both as post meta, with the old one being what you’re redirecting from, and the new one being the current permalink. That way you could easily and consistently fetch based on the meta key.
Just some thoughts, use if you want ??