Sure, I’d help you:)
It really depends on the column and the data that you want to search. The easiest approach is to make the search engine to return the exact match. This way, it will return the desired row regardless of which column it belongs to. So if the column you need to search is the only “known” column for your users and they search based on that column, then this will work for you.
- Go to your plugins list on your admin dashboard find the Custom Searchable DES plugin and click on the “Edit” link.
- On the page that opens, make sure you’re viewing custom-searchable-data-entry-system/sds-main.php (active)
- Find the place where it looks like below (there are 2 occassions: line 1441 and line 1527 – do the following changes on both occasions)
$results_sql = "SELECT id,field_id,field_input FROM " . $table . " WHERE field_input COLLATE UTF8_GENERAL_CI LIKE '" . $_POST['sds-search-data'] . "%' ORDER BY id ASC";
- Remove the percentage sign after $_POST. So it should look like below
$results_sql = "SELECT id,field_id,field_input FROM " . $table . " WHERE field_input COLLATE UTF8_GENERAL_CI LIKE '" . $_POST['sds-search-data'] . "' ORDER BY id ASC";
- Don’t forget that you should do this on 2 places: on line 1441 and on line 1527
- Click on “Update File” and you’re done.
- You may need to reactivate the plugin after updating the file.
In case you still want to have the partial match, then you need more customization. if that is the case for you, please email me a sample of the table that is going to be searched and let me know the column that you want to make your search based on that. Then I can guide you how to change the code to achieve it.
If there’s anything else that I can help you with, feel free to contact me again.