Excellent – then you know that as you type text, one or more possible matches for the text are found and immediately presented in the drop down. Predictive Search combines actual search and browsing as this immediate feedback often allows the user to stop short of typing the entire word or phrase they were looking for.
The Predictive Search feature we have built is a variant of what is know in computing language as incremental search. Other variants are Autocomplete, search as you type, filter/find as you type (FAYT), typeahead search, inline search, instant search, word wheeling and Googles Instant Search.
One thing all variants have in common is filters to deliver relevant results for the application they are created for. The filters used are many and varied but all are designed to do the same thing – filter the search terms to deliver meaningful and relevant results.
The primary filters that we use are the WordPress taxonomies for many reasons but without going into them – relevance to the WordPress ecosystem being the obvious. In practical terms in the lite version that is Product Titles. In the Pro Version that is greatly extended to Product SKU’s, Product category Titles, Product tag Titles.
As of version 2.o in the Pro version we successfully introduced 2 new an incredibly powerful Filters ‘Predictive Search Focus keywords’ and ‘Focus Keywords’ set in SEO plugins like Yoast WordPress SEO and All in One SEO. This additional layer of filters allows the user optimize their site search with 100% accuracy.
Sorry for the long winded explanation and I hope I have not bored you to death. But that is the reason I said in my first comment ‘What would it search for in the description?’ It would have been more appropriate for me to ask, ‘what would be the filters?’. Thank you.