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  • Thread Starter reinhold_B


    After looking into the code it seems that the hook from the tutorial doesn’t exist anymore. ”em_template_events_search_form_header’ and ’em_template_events_search_form_footer’ are working.

    If the plugin author is reading this I would highly appreciate if the tutorials are at least marked as out-dated. Thx!

    Can you post the complete code that you’re using? That’ll give us a chance to test it. Thanks.

    Thread Starter reinhold_B


    I tried to follow

    but instead of


    I use


    Thanks, I see what you mean. I’ll pass this on to get the tutorial updated.

    Thread Starter reinhold_B


    Thank you!

    I’m still not getting this to work, even with abovementioned modification. Should this still be working?

    P.S. the tutorial has not been updated yet

    anyone can help with this?

    Sorry for the bump

    Thread Starter reinhold_B


    tco9876, what are you exactly trying to achieve and what have you tried so far?


    What I want is that users can specify an extra taxonomy when submitting events (choosing from a list of trainers) on the front end page. So every event has one trainer attached to it.

    On the event list page users should be able to search by trainer. So I need an extra drop down list here.

    I’ve tried the code on this page by gmorley I pasted the code in functions.php, but I don’t get an extra box on my search page. After that I tried your modification, but still without success.

    Thread Starter reinhold_B


    Could you post your code? Have you changed the action name as I’ve posted it?


    The code I used is a combination of your code and gmorleys code:

    // custom Artist taxonomy for events
    add_action( 'init', 'register_my_taxonomies', 0 );
    function register_my_taxonomies() {
    $labels = array(
        'name'                          => 'artists',
        'singular_name'                 => 'artist',
        'search_items'                  => 'Search Artists',
        'popular_items'                 => 'Popular Artists',
        'all_items'                     => 'All Artists',
        'parent_item'                   => 'Parent Artist',
        'edit_item'                     => 'Edit Artist',
        'update_item'                   => 'Update Artist',
        'add_new_item'                  => 'Add New Artist',
        'new_item_name'                 => 'New Artist',
        'separate_items_with_commas'    => 'Separate Artists with commas',
        'add_or_remove_items'           => 'Add or remove Artists',
        'choose_from_most_used'         => 'Choose from most used Artists'
    $args = array(
        'label'                         => 'Artists',
        'labels'                        => $labels,
        'public'                        => true,
        'hierarchical'                  => true,
        'show_ui'                       => true,
        'show_in_nav_menus'             => true,
        'args'                          => array( 'orderby' => 'term_order' ),
        'rewrite'                       => array( 'slug' => 'events/artists', 'with_front' => false ),
        'query_var'                     => true
    register_taxonomy( 'artists', EM_POST_TYPE_EVENT, $args );
    // custom taxonomy search and display
    function artists_search_form(){
    	$artists = (is_array(get_option('artists'))) ? get_option('artists'):array();
    	<!-- START artists Search -->
    	<select name="artist" id="artist_search">
    		<option value="" selected="selected">Artists</option>
    		$taxonomies = array('artists');
    		$args = array('orderby'=>'count','hide_empty'=>true);
    		echo get_terms_dropdown($taxonomies, $args);
    	<!-- END artists Search -->
    function my_em_artists_event_load($EM_Event){
    	global $wpdb;
    	$EM_Event->artists = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE object_id='{$EM_Event->post_id}'", 0	);
    // And make the search attributes for the shortcode
    function my_em_artists_get_default_search($searches, $array){
    	if( !empty($array['artist']) ){
    		$searches['artist'] = $array['artist'];
    	return $searches;
    function my_em_artists_events_get($events, $args){
    	if( !empty($args['artist'])  ){
    		foreach($events as $event_key => $EM_Event){
    			if( !in_array($args['artist'],$EM_Event->artists) ){
    	return $events;
    function get_terms_dropdown($taxonomies, $args){
    	$myterms = get_terms($taxonomies, $args);
    	foreach($myterms as $term){
    		$root_url = get_bloginfo('url');
    		$term_name =$term->name;
    		$value = $term->term_id;
    		$output .="<option value='".$value."'>".$term_name."</option>";
    return $output;
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