To add a button like the one in the example, you need to add your own search item and javascript. The search item is just plain HTML. The javascript would look like this:
jQuery('#<your table id>').on('keyup click', function() {
table.search(jQuery('#<field name>').val()).draw();
To find <your table id> open the inspector and search for “wpda-datatable datatable”. The table id starts with “wpda_”. The <field name> refers to a field your have to add to your page manually.
After that you need to hide your the default search box. Add the following JSON code to the table options (advanced) column in the Data Publisher:
{"dom": "lrtip"}
This will only hide the search box. The example hides the pagination interface as well. I would not advice to do that as a user will not be able to access those rows.
Good luck! Let me know if this helps…
Best regards,