Search for a code in parent theme
I am a new user of Child theme configurator. It is great. I am a
french speaker and I have some questions I did not find
answer in the documentation.
In the appearance theme space, I see the Child theme I create,
but there is no more previous page, instead the button say
personalise…It is just like if the buttons on My Parent Theme is
switch with the child theme.
So to preview the theme after making change in the Child
theme I have to clik on the preview button of the parent theme.
I am sorry if it sound a little bit confusing, a picture will be better, but I don’t how to add it to this message.
This is my first probleme, but I can live with that one.
Another question is: When I make change in the parent theme
using the appearance tab, personalize to change colors, font ect…do I have to do it in the child theme also.
I try to change the hole background color and it did not work. I
see it in the child theme but it did not show in the template
So I use the backgroud option in the theme and now it is O.K.
but if there is an upgrade of the theme, I guess I will loose it.
I presume that it is the same with the scheme of color, I change
it to green, but again it is change in the parent theme but not in
child theme. So I think I will have to do one by one in the child
theme configurator.
My last question:
I asked a code to the theme support to change a line of text at
the buttom of the theme, some kind of publicity from the Theme supplier.
They gave me this code and told me to put it in the epannel,
integration tab, custom css
The code is :
<script type=”text/javascript”>
jQuery(“#footer-info”).text(‘ ‘);
jQuery(“<p>Your copy</p>”).insertAfter(“#footer-info”);
</script>Do you know where I can find this code in child theme configuration.
This is my website but it is under construction:
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