Hi Denirc,
Placeholder text automatically inherits the custom CSS styles of the input text field.
However, if you only want to change the placeholder text style and do not want to change the styles of the input text field. You can accomplish this with the ::placeholder pseudo-element.
The following code will solve your problem regarding placeholder text style:
/* .responsive-menu-pro-search-box is the class assigned to search field and ::-webkit-input-placeholder is used for chrome/opera/safari browser*/
.responsive-menu-pro-search-box::-webkit-input-placeholder {
/* for firefox 19+*/
.responsive-menu-pro-search-box::-moz-placeholder {
/* for IE 10+ */
.responsive-menu-pro-search-box:-ms-input-placeholder {
/* for firefox 18- */
.responsive-menu-pro-search-box:-moz-placeholder {
And Auto-height option is available in the Pro version of this plugin. By default, the free version has a viewport height of 100%.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance.
Kind regards,
Varun Kumar