• From the Easy Indexing Wizard page, select Advanced Options, then enter something for Blacklisted URLs. Since there is no “Save” option, we need to click “Index my Site”. That makes sense, as long as that button saves the specs before it re-indexes. If you go back to the Wizard page after (attempted) indexing, the spec is not there. Either it’s not saved, or it’s not displayed when the page is displayed.

    This brings me to a question about at spec:
    – I don’t want category index pages to be saved.
    – I don’t want Page x of Y pages to themselves be indexed.
    – I don’t want tag index pages to be indexed.
    – I don’t want trackbacks indexed.
    – I do want comments to be indexed, though I don’t want a blog entry and comment to redundantly show twice in search results.

    This concept of index pages getting indexed is really annoying (but it’s understandable that the entire site is getting indexed so I’d like to work through this). I just want blog entries indexed.

    I am trying to blacklist the URL text “category,page,tag,trackback”. I want to make sure that I don’t accidentally blacklist blog entries like:

    I also don’t want hits duplicated, where “/blog/foo.html” is the same as “https://Nebula-RnD.com/blog/?p=400”. So can I blacklist that as “category,?p=” … or how else?

    Do I need to revise the blacklist text as “/category,/page,/tag” etc?

    I think my questions come down to a fundamental lack of understanding about exactly what gets indexed and how. I think more documentation on the nuances of what’s expected will go a long way to eliminate problems where we don’t know what to expect and therefore don’t know how to tweak the Wizard and other config pages.

    Thanks Scott!!!!

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