• Hello

    I hope somebody can help me because there is very little information to find about this error and it’s a huge problem.

    I installed WordPress about a month ago. For a while everything went well but then out of a sudden, the search function decided to stop working. I made a new theme and applied it to my existing content and gues what, it worked again. For one day! Now it’s still broken and there is nog logical reason for it because i haven’t made changes to the theme.

    I have tried plugins but it wont work. My site is at https://www.fotocursus.dadu.be/

    Is there somebody who is wiser then me about this topic and can help me out?


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  • Thread Starter indigo-diingo


    So i better just ignore this and offer my visitors no search options?
    It seems that this is a general wordpress bug because there are other forum treads describing the exact same problem and they never got solved. Am I just the next one in the “never got solved” list?

    My search box stopped working after I upgraded to 2.7.1, and for now I put a Google Search Box in its place.

    I wish some of the search-related plug-ins like Search Anything would also offer code to place a new box. :-/

    Indigo your search should work. Not sure why you have an index.php in your root. Try renaming it and check what happens. Should not even be used since you are rewriting the URL. But I think as Tamil had said having WP in a sub-directory and the rewritebase is screwing the serach and probably other things. But if you have reasons for such a kludgy setup guess you will have to deal with the issues it causes.

    Thread Starter indigo-diingo


    A kludgy setup? Isnt the wordpress function for selecting a different map to use as the site root not a kludgy one then?

    My one reason for this setup is to keep things structured.

    So is there a solution (maybe paid?) or is it just a big bug?

    What I meant is if you wanted it to be the root of the site you should have WP installed in the root of the site. Its Kludgy to put something in a subdirectory and then remap. Kludgy=making nmore complicated than needed. Sorry.

    Thread Starter indigo-diingo


    I understand but i have no other choice if i want to keep things structured in my root folder because in the future i wanna add some non wordpress pages and then it becomes all a mess.

    Does anybody knows where i can submit this bug to the bug list?

    Thread Starter indigo-diingo


    Well, is there a place where i can report this very important bug because my website has been up and running now and with a lot more visitors a day then in the beginning it’s ridiculous to have no search option and some visitors start sending me emails about this bug. Should i need to hire a professional IT specialist to solve this problem?

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