• Hello, I have been getting google news webmaster warning for last 2 days.

    Errors No 1:

    Invalid publication label
    The publication label that you selected when submitting this Sitemap does not correspond to a known publication in the Google News database. To find the current publication name and language, please check your articles as they appear in Google News. Please include this publication information in your Sitemap by updating to the new format, which involves attaching a <publication> tag and other relevant tags to each url in your Sitemap.

    Error No 2:

    Missing <publication> tag
    Each url in a News Sitemap must have a <publication> tag.

    Error: 3
    Unresolved news source
    At least one URL in your Sitemap is on a host that is not in the Google News database. Google News can only accept Sitemaps from hosts that we crawl. If your site is crawled by Google News, please check that the URL of your Sitemap agrees with the URLs of your articles as they appear on Google News, including any leading “www”.

    Check the screenshot attached
    Screenshot link: https://prnt.sc/jh2uqu
    Please help

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi, looking at your news sitemap at this moment there IS a publication tag and it uses “The Droid Guru” as publication label. Is that not your originally submitted news publication name? The unresolved news source I cannot explain either. The URL domain of the news item is the same as your site so the error does not make sense.

    Unless you have had more than 48 hours without new posts. This makes the sitemap go “empty” as it only includes posts from the last two days. Has this been the case? Of so, try resubmitting the news sitemap in your GWT account to make it reevaluate.

    Please let me know ??

    Your plugin has started sending new-sitemap.xml and google_news_sitemap to an html page. I have uninstalled and re-installed, it still is doing the same but the settings page also now shows I dont have a google news xml.
    This started occurring as soon as we updated the plugin. Prior to that it worked fine.

    @alaskanativenews, your issue is unrelated to this thread. Please make your own support topic, after making sure you have the correct plugin forum because new-sitemap.xml and google_news_sitemap are not part if this plugin.

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