• I applied this plugin into my website and I happy with the function that provided.

    Right now I finding a way to filter out the result by Store when I type store name into the input.

    function codeStore( infoWindow ) {
        var latLng,
    		autoLoad = false,
    		keepStartMarker = false,
    		store_name = $( "#wpsl-search-input" ).val();
        geocoder.geocode( { 'address': store_name}, function( response, status ) {
    		if ( status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK ) {
    			latLng = response[0].geometry.location;
    			/* Remove any previous markers and add a new one */
    			deleteOverlays( keepStartMarker );
    			addMarker( latLng, 0, '', true, infoWindow ); // This marker is the 'start location' marker. With a storeId of 0, no name and is draggable
    			/* Try to find stores that match the radius, location criteria */
    			findStoreLocations( latLng, resetMap, autoLoad, infoWindow );
    		} else {
    			geocodeErrors( status );

    Any solution on this ?


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  • Plugin Author Tijmen Smit


    You just want to search on store names, instead of location names?

    Thread Starter William1234


    Hi Tijmen,


    I found 2 problem now.

    1) I realize something that before this plugin is updated, i can simple retrieve State column from each record to the drop down. But now I having problem on retrieve the state column as an option for my drop down.

    2) I can’t find a solution that only show the result based on the store name that I insert into the input field.

    Thanks for the assist.

    Plugin Author Tijmen Smit


    I don’t have time to get into details, but you have to get the unique post meta values to get a list of states.

    For the other issue, you have to modify wpsl-gmap.js ( the wpsl-gmap.min.js is the one used on the frontend, so you have to minify the modifications yourself on a site like https://javascript-minifier.com/ ) to include the value from the input field in the AJAX request. The data for the AJAX request is put together in the function makeAjaxRequest. Then use that value in the find_nearby_locations() function in the class-frontend.php.

    There is a filter called ‘wpsl_sql’ that allows you to modify the sql query. In your case you don’t want it to calculate the distance based on the latlng, but just search for matching store names. This post should help you get started, do change the post type to ‘wpsl_stores’.

    Thread Starter William1234


    Hi Tijmen, I have been trying to find the solution on search by Store name in my query.

    I realize when I apply “LIKE” at the end of the query, it show no result.

    But I did try the query in my database. It able to get the record.

    Can you assist me on this ?

    $sql = apply_filters( 'wpsl_sql',
                           "SELECT posts.post_title AS store,
                                   post_state.meta_value AS state,
                                   post_lat.meta_value AS lat,
                                   post_lng.meta_value AS lng,
                                   ( %d * acos( cos( radians( %s ) ) * cos( radians( post_lat.meta_value ) ) * cos( radians( post_lng.meta_value ) - radians( %s ) ) + sin( radians( %s ) ) * sin( radians( post_lat.meta_value ) ) ) )
                                    AS distance
                              FROM $wpdb->terms AS terms
                              INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS term_taxanomy ON term_taxanomy.term_id = terms.term_id
                              INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships AS term_relationships ON term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = term_taxanomy.term_taxonomy_id
                              INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts AS posts ON posts.ID = term_relationships.object_id
                        INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS post_lat ON post_lat.post_id = posts.ID AND post_lat.meta_key = 'wpsl_lat'
                        INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS post_lng ON post_lng.post_id = posts.ID AND post_lng.meta_key = 'wpsl_lng'
                        INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS post_state ON post_state.post_id = posts.ID AND post_state.meta_key = 'wpsl_state'
                             WHERE posts.post_type = 'wpsl_stores'
                               AND posts.post_status = 'publish'
                               AND post_state.meta_value='$states'
                               AND terms.term_id='8'
                               AND posts.post_title LIKE '%$searchvalues%'"
    Thread Starter William1234


    Hi Tijmen..can you assist me on this ? Based on the query provide above..I could. it get the result based on the $searchvalues..
    If any mistake on my code..please advise me

    Thread Starter William1234


    Hi Tijmen,

    I did try on the post the you suggested for me and apply to the SQL to search for the matches store name.

    $sql = apply_filters( 'wpsl_sql',
                               "SELECT posts.post_title AS store,
                                       post_state.meta_value AS state,
                                       ( %d * acos( cos( radians( %s ) ) * cos( radians( post_lat.meta_value ) ) * cos( radians( post_lng.meta_value ) - radians( %s ) ) + sin( radians( %s ) ) * sin( radians( post_lat.meta_value ) ) ) )
                                        AS distance
                                  FROM $wpdb->terms AS terms
                                  INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_taxonomy AS term_taxanomy ON term_taxanomy.term_id = terms.term_id
                                  INNER JOIN $wpdb->term_relationships AS term_relationships ON term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = term_taxanomy.term_taxonomy_id
                                  INNER JOIN $wpdb->posts AS posts ON posts.ID = term_relationships.object_id
                            INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS post_lat ON post_lat.post_id = posts.ID AND post_lat.meta_key = 'wpsl_lat'
                            INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS post_lng ON post_lng.post_id = posts.ID AND post_lng.meta_key = 'wpsl_lng'
                            INNER JOIN $wpdb->postmeta AS post_state ON post_state.post_id = posts.ID AND post_state.meta_key = 'wpsl_state'
                                 WHERE posts.post_type = 'wpsl_stores'
                                   AND posts.post_status = 'publish'
                                   AND post_state.meta_value='$states'
                                   AND terms.term_id='8' AND posts.post_title LIKE '%CAR CARE%'

    It show no result. But it show have record when execute this code is my database sql.

    I might urgent need your help. Please assist me on this.

    Appreciate much for your help.

    Plugin Author Tijmen Smit


    Did you check for errors?

    Does this code show all the values in the correct place, so the searched value is a actually included in the query?

    echo $wpdb->last_query

    Searching for the store name, without the code for the wpsl_state does work fine?

    Thread Starter William1234


    Hi Tijmen,

    I did try see are the query get result or not in the code below

    $stores = $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( $sql, $placeholder_values ) );
                if ( $stores  ) {
                    //echo $searchvalues;
                    $store_data = apply_filters( 'wpsl_store_data', $this->get_store_meta_data( $stores ) );
                    echo "No result";

    It show “No result”. Yes. Without wpsl_state the code also not work fine.

    I modified 4 files to make this happen.
    wpsl-ajax-functions.php, wpsl-gmap.js, templates/default.php and optional styles.css

    Its a hardcoded solution instead of hooks. Works great. Great plugin.

    Your LIKE condition will work but you must escape the % by using two %%.
    AND posts.post_title LIKE ‘%%CAR CARE%%’

    Thread Starter William1234


    Hi Briankeith68,

    I still can’t get the result.

    Example what is did “AND posts.post_title LIKE ‘%$searchVariable%'”

    Where the $searchVariable will get the input value from user.

    Did you try “AND posts.post_title LIKE ‘%%$searchVariable%%'”
    Note the two %


    what a greattttt plugin here by Tijmen.

    So, regarding to this topic

    Briankeith68, could you please share with us the code and how you did it?

    I’m not a programmer but i know just enough for a designer.

    thanks in advance!!

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