There seems to be another script in your theme that hijacks scrolling to page anchors and prevents “Page scroll to id” from doing its thing. The script file that does this is this one:
Check in your theme settings if there’s any option to disable page smooth scrolling (so you can use “Page scroll to id” properly).
If no such option exists, you’ll need to manually edit the js file above (full-scripts.6.9.0.js) and make few modifications:
1)Find the lines:
$(document).on("click", ".js-smooth-scroll, .js-main-nav a", smoothScrollToAnchor),
$(".side_dashboard_menu a").on("click", smoothScrollToAnchor)
and change them to:
/* $(document).on("click", ".js-smooth-scroll, .js-main-nav a", smoothScrollToAnchor),
$(".side_dashboard_menu a").on("click", smoothScrollToAnchor) */
2)Find the line (few lines above the previous ones):
and change it to:
Save the file and test.
Let me know