For the mobile menu colors you can use the same method as in desktop:
.resp_full_width_menu .site-header .menu_wrapper .menu li.current-menu-item>a._mPS2id-h,
.resp_full_width_menu .site-header .menu_wrapper .menu li.current_page_item>a._mPS2id-h{
color: #333;
background: white;
.resp_full_width_menu .site-header .menu_wrapper .menu li.current_page_item>a._mPS2id-h:hover{
background-color: #F15A23;
color: #ffffff;
Since the rules are the same for desktop and mobile and only the CSS selectors change, you could combine them like:
/* desktop */
.main-navigation ul li.menu-item-type-custom.current_page_item a._mPS2id-h,
.main-navigation ul li.menu-item-type-custom.current-menu-item a._mPS2id-h,
/* mobile */
.resp_full_width_menu .site-header .menu_wrapper .menu li.current-menu-item>a._mPS2id-h,
.resp_full_width_menu .site-header .menu_wrapper .menu li.current_page_item>a._mPS2id-h{
color: #333;
background: white;
/* desktop */
.main-navigation ul li.menu-item-type-custom.current_page_item a._mPS2id-h:hover,
.main-navigation ul li.menu-item-type-custom.current-menu-item a._mPS2id-h:hover,
/* mobile */
.resp_full_width_menu .site-header .menu_wrapper .menu li.current_page_item>a._mPS2id-h:hover{
color: white;
background: #F15A23;
For the mobile menu staying open I can’t really help as this is another script/plugin. Maybe there’s a setting to change this functionality in your theme/menu options?