• Hello.
    You have really nice plugin, but there are one thing that I would like to request you to fix. Your plugin load it’s styles and scripts from whole admin area, and not only on your admin area pages, and this can really hurt other WordPress solutions. For example, we are using our own jQuery UI theme for admin area, but with your plugin – that load your jQuery UI theme from plugins/optimizely/jquery-ui.css – it just broke our styles.
    Worst thing is JavaScript. Your code from plugins/optimizely/config.js :

    $( document ).tooltip({
    			track: true

    just destroy our whole JavaScript functionality – as it give conflict with our scripts (that is loaded only in our admin area pages): tooltip() method is used by you from jQuery UI – have conflict with same mothod from Bootstrap https://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tooltips .
    So I want to ask you to release new version of your plugin – where you will make check on server side in admin area before load your styles and scripts: is user now on your admin area page. This is really simple:

    if($_GET['page'] == 'optimizely-config') {
    // Load assets

    but will save a lot of other solutions for WordPress.
    Please tell me – will you have a chance to do such correction in your plugin?

    Best regards,


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