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  • Hello,

    Thanks for your post. It’s easy to solve this issue.

    Go to open this files-


                wp_enqueue_script( 'field-date-js', plugins_url( '/assets/js_reports.js', __FILE__ ), array('jquery', 'jquery-ui-core', 'jquery-ui-datepicker'), time(),true );
                wp_register_style('jquery-ui', '');
                wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui' );



             * Registering necessary js and css
             * @frontend
            public function wpneo_enqueue_frontend_script(){
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-datepicker', array( 'jquery' ) );
                wp_register_style( 'jquery-ui', '');
                wp_enqueue_style( 'jquery-ui' );
                wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-neo-jquery-scripts-front', WPNEO_CROWDFUNDING_DIR_URL .'assets/js/crowdfunding-front.js', array('jquery'), WPNEO_CROWDFUNDING_VERSION, true);
                wp_localize_script( 'wp-neo-jquery-scripts-front', 'ajax_object', array( 'ajax_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ) );
                wp_register_style( 'neo-crowdfunding-css-front', WPNEO_CROWDFUNDING_DIR_URL .'assets/css/crowdfunding-front.css', false, WPNEO_CROWDFUNDING_VERSION );
                wp_enqueue_style( 'neo-crowdfunding-css-front' );

    Change https:// to https://

    Please check this screenshot-

    This issue will be solved.

    Have a nice day.

    Thread Starter paul-r


    I had already done that, but when when they bring out a plugin update my changes will be gone ??
    I hope they will change it in their code too ??

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by paul-r.

    We’ll fix it and release the updated version soon.

    I have a request to give 5-star rating with your valuable comment on

    It inspires us to make the better product and improve support quality.

    Thank you so much.

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