• Resolved micuccij



    Preface – Just upgraded to WP 3.0.2

    I am having trouble with the way links are displayed on only one of my pages.

    My URL is:

    As you can see, there are a few links in the text that are bold and show up fine.

    The whole site is like this, except for this page…

    As you can see, there are three links within the text. For some reason, there is a “strikethrough” or a “screwed up underline” through them. This puzzles me, as this is the only page it is happening on.

    I checked the HTML in the page editor, and they are coded as follows…

    Want To Melt That Fat Off Your Body? It’s Easier Than You Think!

    So, based on this, I believe the problem is elsewhere. But, I have been looking through the style.css file and can’t seem to figure it out.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can fix this?

    Thanks in advance…

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  • Thread Starter micuccij


    Opps, sorry..

    The HTML code the links use are…

    <a title="Weight Loss Sample" href="https://www.onecentcontent.com/weight-loss-sample">Want To Melt That Fat Off Your Body? It's Easier Than You Think!</a>

    Thread Starter micuccij


    Why can’t I get this to just show the HTML?

    It looks like I am link spamming, but I am not.

    Maybe this will work…

    < s t r o n g >< a t i t l e = " W e i g h t L o s s S a m p l e " h r e f = " h t t p : / / w w w . o n e c e n t c o n t e n t . c o m / w e i g h t - l o s s - s a m p l e " > W a n t T o M e l t T h a t Fa t O f f Y o u r B o d y ? I t ' s E a s i e r T h a n Y o u T h i n k ! < / a > < / s t r o n g >

    these links are marked as ‘broken links’ – do you have a link-checker plugin or so activated?

    Thread Starter micuccij


    Yes, I have broken link checker installed…

    I fixed the links and the strike through is now gone.

    Makes me look stupid, but oh well.

    Thanks for your help alchymyth!

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