Thank you for throwing that in my face. Of course, that doesn’t help fix anything does it?
Certainly not intended that way, I can assure you. You must have missed the smiley face I left behind for you.
Allow me to be more precise in spite of the fact that you seem to have figured it out, and on the off chance you might view this again.
For B) I’ve never had trouble with trying different things with the code before and have no backup as yet. I’ve always tried something, then if it didn’t work, I’d go back and undo it. Now, I can’t do that.
Then I can say with some degree of certainty that you really haven’t been at this very long. But that isn’t a problem.
Not making a backup before a session of experimental or untested editing is a newbie boner mistake no matter what platform you are using, and not knowing anything about using ftp really tipped your hand, but that’s okay. It’s a great opportunity to learn. Check out the Docs page, or the “Codex”. It’s a great place to pick things up – including tips on using file managers, ftp clients, changing file permissions, how and why to make backups, and just about everything else you can type into a search bar.
I urge you not to give up on WordPress as easily as you did the other platforms you mentioned.
I’ve already set up a website on FrontPage2000 (only to give up on that two months ago), then set it up in DreamWeaver and give up on it, too (last month). WordPress is my last chance!
I also urge you to familiarize yourself with the basic tools you will encounter while working with ANY web based application, and find the ones that work best for you.
Good luck and best wishes.