Hi @bungeshea,
Thanks for the update. For some odd reason, we’re now able to increase our number of snippets per page with no issue.
However, when we try to add the ID column to our snippets table, we cannot save the setting.
Before Clicking “Apply” —-> https://prntscr.com/vty49l
After Clicking “Apply” —-> https://prntscr.com/vty5m2
Potential Root Cause: It’s possible that the issue is related to the maximum allowable array size for each field (i.e., Name, ID, Description, Tags, Modified, Priority). If the table’s maximum size is exceeded (prior to adding the ID column) due to long snippet names and descriptions, it’s possible that the ID column doesn’t “fit” so it’s rejected when we click “Apply.” Does this make sense? (we haven’t tested this condition). Yes, we do have long “Names” and “Descriptions” for our snippets.
Also, there’s something funny about your changelog.
Your plugin description says Revision 2.14.0 was a day ago (i.e., November 30, 2020), but in your plugin changelog, the date for Revision 2.14.0 says “26 JAN 2020”.
You may want to look into this and fix it. Confusing.
Thank you!