• Hi Franky,

    Great plugin you’ve got there. Working on integrating it with out website as we speak.

    I am currently trying to add Gmail(/Inbox) markup, see this site: https://developers.google.com/gmail/markup/reference/event-reservation

    but it fails to show up any results. This is the code I am using in my RSVP emails

        <div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/EventReservation">
          <meta itemprop="reservationNumber" content="IO12345"/>
          <div itemprop="underName" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Person">
            <meta itemprop="name" content="John Smith"/>
          <div itemprop="reservationFor" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Event">
            <meta itemprop="name" content="#_EVENTNAME"/>
            <time itemprop="startDate" datetime="#_{Y}#_jp7prfnT#_{m}T#_24HSTARTTIME"/>
            <div itemprop="location" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Place">
              <meta itemprop="name" content="#_LOCATIONNAME"/>
              <div itemprop="address" itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/PostalAddress">
                <meta itemprop="streetAddress" content="#_ADDRESS"/>
                <meta itemprop="addressLocality" content="#_TOWN"/>
                <meta itemprop="addressCountry" content="NL"/>
          Dear #RESPNAME, thanks for booking  with us.
          BOOKING DETAILS<br/>
          Reservation number: TEST<br/>
          Order for: #_RESPNAME<br/>
          Event: #_EVENTNAME<br/>
          Start time: #_{Y}#_jp7prfnT#_{m}T#_24HSTARTTIME<br/>
          Venue: #_LOCATIONNAME<br/>

    Sent with HTML is positive. Any suggestions?



Viewing 7 replies - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)
  • Plugin Author Franky


    First, read the FAQ entry “How to add a “Add to Google Calendar” link to an event” at https://www.e-dynamics.be/wordpress/?page_id=195
    Second: what do you mean with “it fails to show up any results”? If you mean the mail doesn’t show the html, check the mail-sourcecode …

    Thread Starter Rob Migchels


    Thanks for your fast reply, that isn’t what I am looking for though.
    This is what I am looking for, you can do that with markup. Can’t get it to work for some reason though.

    Documentation about how to do this can be found on the link I provided in OP.

    Plugin Author Franky


    Ok, I see what you mean. Still, my second question remains:
    what do you mean with “it fails to show up any results”? If you mean the mail doesn’t show the html, check the mail-sourcecode …

    Thread Starter Rob Migchels


    Sorry, it does not show the markup in Gmail or Google Inbox.

    Currently an sent item looks like this in HTML

    <html><head></head><body><p id=3D"_underName13" itemprop=3D"underName" item=
    scope itemtype=3D"https://schema.org/Person" itemref=3D"_email15">Beste
    <span itemprop=3D"name">Jaap Seppens</span>,</p>
    <meta id=3D"_startDate4" itemprop=3D"startDate" content=3D"21/12/2015T10:00=
    <meta id=3D"_endDate5" itemprop=3D"endDate" content=3D"23/12/2015T17:30">
    Bedankt voor uw reservering van
    <span id=3D"_numSeats17" itemprop=3D"numSeats">10</span> bij
    <span id=3D"_reservationFor2" itemprop=3D"reservationFor" itemscope itemtyp=
    e=3D"https://schema.org/Event" itemref=3D"_startDate4 _endDate5 _doorTime6 _=
    <span itemprop=3D"name">Crazy Spring Paradijs Boxmeer</span> </span>op 21/1=
    2/2015, we zijn geopend vanaf 10:00 en sluiten om 17:30.</p>
    <p>De totale kosten zijn =E2=82=AC
    <span id=3D"_price16" itemprop=3D"price">50.00</span>, deze kunt u contant =
    bij de ingang betalen. Hier kunt u eventueel ook nog bras- en bunkerkaarten=
     kopen, let op.. pinnen is niet mogelijk!</p>
    <span id=3D"_location7" itemprop=3D"location" itemscope itemtype=3D"https://=
    schema.org/Place"><p>De adresgegevens van
    <span itemprop=3D"name">Optisport Boxmeer</span> zijn:<br>
    <span itemprop=3D"streetAddress">Koorstraat 1, </span><span itemprop=3D"add=
    <p itemprop=3D"address" itemscope itemtype=3D"https://schema.org/PostalAddre=
      <meta itemprop=3D"addressCountry" content=3D"NL">
    <p>Wij hebben de volgende gegevens van u genoteerd:</p>
    <p>Jaap Seppens<br />
      Tel: 0615872099
      <br />
    <span id=3D"_email15" itemprop=3D"email">[email protected]</span></p>
    <meta id=3D"_doorTime6" itemprop=3D"doorTime" content=3D"12:00">
    10 kinderen<br />
      Uw aankomsttijd is 12:00.=09</p>
    <p itemscope itemtype=3D"https://schema.org/EventReservation" itemref=3D"_nu=
    mSeats17 _price16 _reservationFor2 _underName13">Opmerkingen: geen<br />
      Uw reserveringsnummer is:
    <span itemprop=3D"reservationNumber">7</span>
    <p>Wij zien u graag over 206 dagen.</p><img src=3D"https://mail.robmigchels.=
    com/track/open.php?u=3D30541078&id=3D3173ad9fe4c947439bdbf4a188751d26" heig=
    ht=3D"1" width=3D"1"></body></html>

    The Markup tester by Google says the code is fine though..

    Plugin Author Franky


    Your generated html seems different than the original code (also I see 3D in your output, which is hex encoding for “=”, but the sign itself is also there (maybe wordpress issue here).
    To be sure: can you mail forward me such a mail: [email protected]
    I’ll try it here also

    Plugin Author Franky


    First, fix some small errors in your schema:
    – #RESPNAME should be #_RESPNAME
    – the date/time format in the scheme itself should be something like this: #_{Y-m-d}T#_{H:i:s}Z

    Second: google needs you to alert them that you want special treatment of emails. See https://developers.google.com/gmail/markup/registering-with-google
    If you don’t do that, no markup parsing will be done.

    Thread Starter Rob Migchels


    I see, thanks!

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