Hi Lochanraj,
thanks for using Skin WordPress theme.
We’ve recently taken over this theme from the previous developers and we’ve planned to recode parts of the theme once we have time for it, but there is no fix date set yet.
Does this theme supports schema.org markup
We just had a quick look at a few files of the theme and it seems this theme doesn’t have schema.org markup.
i don’t see legendary MH posts widget included in theme. Do you have any plan for this.
As mentioned, we haven’t initially developed this theme, so it doesn’t include our regular widgets. We may add a few widgets in the future, but we can’t say for sure yet. If you’re looking for a professional magazine theme, you could have a look at MH Magazine lite.
Any plans for advertisement spaces in this theme.
You should be able to copy & paste your ad code into a WordPress Text widget and then place the widget in the available widget areas / sidebar. Here you can learn more about placing ads with Text widgets: How to place ads and banners.