• BeeCee



    since WP 3.5.1 the automatic scheduling of backup, optimize and repairing does not work any more.

    When I make my settings – for example to backup all 3 days -, then it shows me “the next backup” the current date/time and not the date in three days. Same at “optimize” and “repair”.

    When I make manually the backup of the database, it works, and a backup is made – but the automatic scheduling doesn’t work.
    I activated and de-activated the plugin, de-installed and re-installed it again … this problem remains.

    What can I do?


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  • and I’d like it to make a great job on scheduled emails as well

    I have the same problem, but automatic never worked.

    Also, I am the system admin of the host, so I have console access to any and everything.
    I see no entries in root’s crontab file, and no crontab file for wp or any plugin in /var/spool/cron/crontabs
    Where should the crontab be, and what entries should it have ?

    Never mind.
    Installed wp-cron control, and it told me enough about what I needed to know.

    There was no cron job anywhere to trigger the wp-cron.php file.

    Probably, this could be fixed in most cases with a little documentation.

    Curt44319, so it’s a different issue, because in my case the cron job is there, but it doesn’t fully do what it should

    Then it might help you to know that I’m using WP 3.5.1 and the plugin
    wp-dbmanager version 2.63
    I had no way to know about the cron relationship ( undocumented ) until this thread. Installing wp-cron control gave a page with the command needed to fire off the wp-cron.php file. Using the wget command without the wget, just putting the argument in a browser window, told me what I needed to know. Running the wget command ( on the host system console ) without the -q told me more.
    Although the e-mail copy did *not* show up in the wp email log, it does show in the system maillog file.

    Hope it helps…

    i think it is the

    execute_backup() function does not exit properly for some reasons in Schedule mode.

    backup file will get generated but it wont go to the next step.

    hope Mr Lester can look into this.


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