• I would like a feature to allow me to schedule a post to come off the site at some point in the future, similar to the scheduled post date and time. I have 4 WP sites but am using Joomla on an information site about upcoming events. I can schedule the appropriate time for that post to come off the site after the event passes, actually down to the second of the day, not that it needs to be that accurate. Joomla is a wonky program though and I would really love to switch it to a WP site. But this feature alone would save me hours of scouring categories looking for past events that should not be on the site.

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  • togii


    Have you ever found a solution to this?
    I guess I’m bumping this topic or something.. I was also looking for a feature like that. I wonder how hard it would be to add.. it’s already got the code to change the status to “Published” on a certain day.. how hard would it be to add something to change the status to “Unpublished” or “Draft” or something that’d get it off the site?

    Thread Starter mb168


    Not yet. I keep coming back to see if anyone has mentioned it. Seems like it could be added into WP just like the scheduled publish date though.

    I will try to find a solution for this. One of my client also requested this. If I find a solution, I will post here.

    I wrote some code to “expire” a post from my home page (but the posts still remain on the system in their category). If this will help, I’d be happy to post it here.

    Thread Starter mb168


    Maybe others but I need the post pulled completely off the site, but not deleted. Many of the events I cover are annual events so I can change dates, change info as it comes out for the following year, and republish in the proper order.

    I could also use this functionality. I had it in Drupal with a plugin but can’t seem to find one for WordPress.

    I need to be able to have news stories on my site that are relevant up until a certain date and then I need them to be unpublished or archived or expire. Whatever you want to call it.

    Was also looking for this function as well. I’ve worked on sites with HUGE CMS back-ends, but prefer WPs.

    MichaelH responded with this link

    Only problem, it will DELETE the post from your site. It uses WordPress’s cron feature to perform a timed function. Can that be modified?

    In the mean time I have used the Iphone app to make changes on the fly, works great.

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