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  • Thread Starter iansimpao


    I checked the logs, there are errors but related to another plugin, Ad Rotate. Nothing seems to be there for EWWW IO.

    I’ve been running Bulk Optimize for a while now and want to see how far I can go, so I don’t wanna interrupt it. This is the farthest I’ve been so I wanna keep it on and not stop it. Will use the dev link in the morning when I wake up and if the Bulk Optimize operation still didn’t work.


    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Ok, let me know if you have further issues, I’m going to mark this as resolved for now, since I believe the fix will take care of the problem.

    Thread Starter iansimpao


    Hi nosilver4u. The bulk optimization failed sometime in the middle of the night, saying operation interrupted. So I went ahead and updated the plugin to the latest version and tried to do a bulk optimize.

    I started one and it was still going through the previously optimized ones. Similar to before, it was just quick, since it was just saying that it was optimized before. Stopped it, then started it again. It’s still going back from the start. So I don’t think it solved my problem yet.


    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    nuts… I’ll have to brainstorm for other ideas. The place where it is getting stuck is on the metadata query for the attachments. It is a rather long query, but I shortened it substantially. Perhaps it just isn’t enough, and the only way around it is to implement some sort of failsafe/fallback when the query fails. I’ll see what I can do.

    Thread Starter iansimpao


    Let me know how I can help, if you wanna set up something like a Skype call so I can show you the problem. Just shoot me an email through this contact form (


    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    unless you can find something in your mysql logs (if you even have access to those), or web server logs (apache/nginx) that would indicate the query length allowed or some other limit that we’re running into, I’m not sure there is anything we can do other than implement a fallback mode, which I’ve done in ‘dev’.

    If you could grab a fresh copy and let me know if that makes any difference, I’d appreciate it. Instead of saying ‘You do not appear to have uploaded any images yet.’, it should say something like ‘XXX images selected, unable to determine number of resizes and unoptimized images’.

    If you want to experiment with the query length, look in the bulk.php file and change $max_query to a lower number (should be on line 92), and see if that makes any difference. Note that lowering it will cause the query to take longer, so you could end up running into the php max_execution_time limit if you go too low.

    Thread Starter iansimpao


    I checked all the logs that I have access to and I really couldn’t find anything related to this plugin.

    What I just did was to let it run and go through all the previously optimized files and just wait for it to get to the files that need to be optimized. Ran it for a few hours last night and overnight, and it stopped around 3/4 of the way. Started again when I woke up and it just finished the last 1/4 now. So it should be solved for me since I don’t need to do a bulk optimize anymore, but of course the error might still be in the plugin.

    Although I wanna help solve this issue. So I tried grabbing a fresh copy and upgrading it though and it’s still saying the old text:

    “You do not appear to have uploaded any images yet.”

    And when I stop optimizing it says.

    “18890 images in the Media Library have been selected (85 unoptimized), with 55723 resizes (252 unoptimized).
    Previously optimized images will be skipped by default.”

    Do you think for some reason my plugin doesn’t have the fix even if I updated to the latest version already? Or something in my database/settings?

    Thread Starter iansimpao


    Finally found a database error. I think there was another plugin that was giving errors and that’s what caused me not to see the EWWW IO database errors. This is what came up in the logs after a bulk optimize start, stop, and reset.

    Hope this helps. Thanks.

    Thread Starter iansimpao


    To be more specific, the error happens after I start, stop, and then move away from the optimize page.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    That is exactly what I was hoping you could find, that is most useful. I’ll see if I can replicate it exactly to make sure my workaround is applicable. Also forgot to bump the version for the last one I had you download, so I’ll do that, and add in some debugging to help make sure things are doing what I think they should be doing.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Ok, I still couldn’t quite replicate that error message, must be something special your webhost has setup. It is doubly strange, because the query to store the attachments in the database in the first place should not be succeeding if it is strictly length-based.

    At any rate, I’ve pushed to ‘dev’ with a couple tweaks:

    If you still don’t get a ‘resume previous bulk operation’ button, please post the debugging information from the yellow section at the bottom again.

    Thread Starter iansimpao


    Hi nosilver4u. I think this version solved it! I didn’t even do the debugging anymore, but now I have a resume button aside from the reset button. I tried it, and it works, when I do a resume it starts off where I left off. Great work! Glad you found a solution.

    I’m guessing you don’t need me to do debugging anymore, but let me know if you do.

    Plugin Author nosilver4u


    Great! Glad we finally found something that worked. I’ll push out the fix in the next release, hopefully that helps some other folks too.

    Thread Starter iansimpao


    Yup, really happy it works now and you found a solution. Good job!

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