I checked all the logs that I have access to and I really couldn’t find anything related to this plugin.
What I just did was to let it run and go through all the previously optimized files and just wait for it to get to the files that need to be optimized. Ran it for a few hours last night and overnight, and it stopped around 3/4 of the way. Started again when I woke up and it just finished the last 1/4 now. So it should be solved for me since I don’t need to do a bulk optimize anymore, but of course the error might still be in the plugin.
Although I wanna help solve this issue. So I tried grabbing a fresh copy and upgrading it though and it’s still saying the old text:
“You do not appear to have uploaded any images yet.”
And when I stop optimizing it says.
“18890 images in the Media Library have been selected (85 unoptimized), with 55723 resizes (252 unoptimized).
Previously optimized images will be skipped by default.”
Do you think for some reason my plugin doesn’t have the fix even if I updated to the latest version already? Or something in my database/settings?