I don’t know how you’re generating that page, so it’s possible you can accomplish what you want with a filter and PHP, but if the recommendations above don’t work out, or you’d like a roll-your-own solution, I think you can accomplish what you want with a little custom jQuery/javascript. It looks like each soup is wrapped in a div element with unique ID. If that’s the case, you should be able to use this:
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function ShowtheSoup() {
var d = new Date(), n = d.getDay(), soupdiv = new Array(7), i;
soupdiv[0] = 'menucat_76' /* No soup for Sunday, so this is the ID to hide the entire section. */
soupdiv[1] = 'fdoe_item_487090';
soupdiv[2] = 'fdoe_item_487335';
soupdiv[3] = 'fdoe_item_487719';
soupdiv[4] = 'fdoe_item_488080';
soupdiv[5] = 'fdoe_item_488311';
soupdiv[6] = 'fdoe_item_488936';
switch(n) {
case 0:
/* Hide the whole Soup section. */
jQuery('#' + soupdiv[0]).hide();
for (i = 1; i < soupdiv.length; i++) {
if (i == n) {
jQuery('#' + soupdiv[i]).show();
} else {
jQuery('#' + soupdiv[i]).hide();
You can see how this would work with this jsfiddle example, which will just show the name of the day, where on your site it would show the appropriate soup. On Sunday, when you have no soup, the script will hide the entire Soup section.
I’ve wrapped the code in a function to keep the variables (hopefully) from interfering with other scripts, and used “jQuery” instead of “$” for no-conflict.