I just created a new topic from the admin on the front-end (with everyone set to be Subscribed to the entire forum beforehand) and the admin received it, and 3 users got it, but 1 other user did not get it. Guess there are only 5 users in my test forum not 6, now that I’m actually counting them instead of eyeballing it.
My email server IT people said that there were no emails for that 1 user today that were blocked as spam, so somehow the emails for that 1 user never went through.
So because of this, I’ve tried unsubscribing that user and re-subscribing him again to the forum. Created another new topic and he finally got it this time, as did the others (except for the user account that created the topic – they didn’t get it, which makes sense to me). So maybe even though he said he was subscribed, it was a glitch and he needed to re-subscribe for it to take.
So it seems to be working now for new topics. However, when I post a reply to a topic that was created before all of the users were subscribed (to simulate real life as people subscribe at different times), only 3 of the 5 users got a reply. So it appears that the admin (who posted the reply) didn’t get it, which seems correct, and one other user who actually had posted a reply earlier in this topic which was actually before I installed your plugin, didn’t get it.
So I unsubscribed her from the forum, then resubscribed her to the entire forum (did nothing on that post in particular) and the admin posted another reply to that same old topic. Everyone else except for this one user (and the admin who posted it) got the email. So even unsubscribing and resubscribing her to the whole forum didn’t solve it for this one topic.
When I open that topic on that user’s account, it doesn’t show her as subscribed to it. But that is also the case for other topics that were created after she subscribed to the entire forum, and she still gets emails from those.
So I subscribed her to this old topic (in addition to her being subscribed to the entire forum), had the admin send out another reply and she finally got the email.
So my question to you is, for any existing topics prior to a user subscribing to the entire forum, do they need to go in and individually subscribe to those topics to ensure they get emails from them?
Just trying to figure out the steps needed so I can instruct my users what they have to do in order to be properly subscribed to the whole forum.
This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by