• Having watched 120,000 hits and more come in on verdict day. WordPress has handled a million hits since….Now that it’s running I’m getting to posting. All I can say is….
    Thanks WordPress!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanx Short stats…
    Thanks community!


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  • I do not think your site would be any the less worthy if you left in the designers credits.

    good for wordpress… thats the only good thing I can say about that site. guilty as charged….

    Root these days it seems perfectly acceptable for the design credits to be left in the css alone. Not sure what your thoughts are on the rules for Rin but I think it was released under GPL and there were a few topics where the majority suggested CSS credits were enough, and no obligation to add credits on the main page.

    Credit where credit is due, and credit should be as important as content IMHO. Still, majority rules and it’s down to preference as it isn’t an obligation.

    Congrats on getting the site up and running, but Root is right. You need to give credit to the designers of the theme your site is based on, and you need to NOT slap a generic copyright claim at the bottom when parts of the design are not yours to copyright.

    Edit: I didn’t check the css, but I guess that’s sufficient–although the css isn’t the only code from the theme you’re using. However, at the very least, the copyright claim is still overly broad. Indeed, because the original theme was released under the GPL, any modification you made in the CSS, XHTML, or other parts of the design must also be released under the GPL.

    I don’t mean this as a personal criticism, but for end-users the GPL is not a “use this theme free of consequences” license. The GPL still imposes obligations on those who use licensed code. Please take the time to read the GPL or whatever license under which the code you wish to use is released.


    Not sure what your thoughts are on the rules for Rin but I think it was released under GPL

    Given the fact the author of Rin designed it with the credits visable in the footer would seem to indicate he wanted them in the open, not hidden in the CSS style sheet. The only fair thing is to leave them displayed.

    And yes I agree with mishku, too bad, so sad…guilty as charged.

    thanks marc – I know this is no place for such discussion, and I feel sorry for her and everything, but I’m sick of the mass sheep hysteria that has followed here in Australia… just because she’s young and pretty, well she must be innocent, lets throw the judicial system out the window… /end rant.

    On the credits – first of all I am not a credited designer. Nevertheless I follow Rin and Manji closely. There are two ways to look at this – one way is GPL /law etc. The other is just about plain courtesy. Here is a guy attracting massive traffic, worldwide, he is in the forum thanking all and sundry – and he has taken off the credits. He asked. I commented.

    Root your correct, courtesy is the key word. I have been using Rin since it came out and it still has the credits displayed. It’s not my work, although altered, so give credit where it’s due.

    Did you note where the Rin credit should be they made sure to add credits to their host and others? A free design doesn’t mean squat apparently.

    Mishku, I just posted an entry on the subject if you care to have a peek.

    Looking now ??

    As I said their have been so many discussions on this topic alone, but from what I could gather I was being told “they don’t have to, so why should they” even when I echoed much the sentiment here that it’s called bloody courtesy.

    but hey what do i know.

    Thread Starter 12thharmonic


    On the theme and css…you are right. It’s going back in…a bit of politics forced my hand. I’m about to remedy this. I did have it up. I adapted rin. Worked great ……
    I am big on creative karma……
    one of those calling the shots didn’t know what a blog was….I’ve been bringing him up to speed…..

    Thread Starter 12thharmonic


    They told me to pull wordpress….I went ballistic!!!!!!!!!!!
    I do regret the move I was forced to make. I will restore it believe me. As you can imagine with how busy we are, having to pull it was a hastle…I’ve got content to work on….
    I plead the community’s heart for a stay of execution…!
    Aside from that I have a full credits page in the works….

    Thread Starter 12thharmonic


    OOOOhhhh bad un intentional pun…..

    Thread Starter 12thharmonic


    All credits now clearly displayed.

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