• Resolved joeyvanr



    I am using wordfence for like one year now. Yesterday wordfence was acting strange and kept saying “Scan can’t continue – stored data not found after a fork. Got type: boolean”. I researched the problem on google and this forum but all the solutions didn’t work. I increased some numbers but no result.

    Maybe you know some other solution.

    Here is some of de debugging code if you need more just ask

    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.058910:2:error] Scan can't continue - stored data not found after a fork. Got type: boolean
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.054955:4:info] Setting up scanRunning and starting scan
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.053285:4:info] Setting up error handling environment
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.051000:4:info] Requesting max memory
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.048507:4:info] Done become admin
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.046448:4:info] Scan authentication complete.
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.043581:4:info] Scan will run as admin user 'masteradmin' with ID '1' sourced from: singlesite get_users() function
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.040916:4:info] Becoming admin for scan
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.039745:4:info] Checking saved cronkey against cronkey param
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.038495:4:info] Exploding stored cronkey
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.030965:4:info] Fetching stored cronkey for comparison.
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.029996:4:info] Checking cronkey
    [Jul 04 12:39:56:1436009996.027325:4:info] Scan engine received request.
    [Jul 04 12:39:54:1436009994.842735:4:info] Starting cron with normal ajax at URL https://showtimedenbosch.nl/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=wordfence_doScan&isFork=1&cronKey=1c03e30e2751b60d5f4bb426
    [Jul 04 12:39:54:1436009994.839951:4:info] Test result of scan start URL fetch: array ( 'headers' => array ( 'date' => 'Sat, 04 Jul 2015 11:39:53 GMT', 'server' => 'Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)', 'x-powered-by' => 'PHP/5.4.41-1~dotdeb+6.1', 'x-robots-tag' => 'noindex', 'x-content-type-options' => 'nosniff', 'expires' => 'Wed, 11 Jan 1984 05:00:00 GMT', 'cache-control' => 'no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0', 'pragma' => 'no-cache', 'x-frame-options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'content-length' => '12', 'content-type' => 'text/html; charset=UTF-8', 'set-cookie' => array ( 0 => 'OAV=1; expires=Sat, 04-Jul-2015 14:39:53 GMT', 1 => 'wfvt_3182326029=5597c60a7fff5; expires=Sat, 04-Jul-2015 12:09:54 GMT; path=/; httponly', ), 'connection' => 'close', ), 'body' => 'WFSCANTESTOK', 'response' => array ( 'code' => 200, 'message' => 'OK', ), 'cookies' => array ( 0 => WP_Http_Cookie::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'OAV', 'value' => '1
    [Jul 04 12:39:53:1436009993.752139:4:info] getMaxExecutionTime() returning config value: 15
    [Jul 04 12:39:53:1436009993.750227:4:info] Got value from wf config maxExecutionTime: 15
    [Jul 04 12:39:53:1436009993.741074:4:info] Calling startScan(true)
    [Jul 04 12:39:53:1436009993.736965:4:info] Entered fork()
    [Jul 04 12:39:53:1436009993.735865:4:info] Forking during hash scan to ensure continuity.
    [Jul 04 12:39:53:1436009993.734233:2:info] Scanned contents of 1090 additional files at 0.92 per second
    [Jul 04 12:39:48:1436009988.545041:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2015/07/dj1-1000x630.png (Size:1.50M Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:48:1436009988.526729:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2015/06/webdesign-180x85.png (Size:3855B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:48:1436009988.519364:2:info] Scanned contents of 1088 additional files at 0.92 per second
    [Jul 04 12:39:48:1436009988.276461:4:info] Scan process ended after forking.
    [Jul 04 12:39:46:1436009986.904719:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2015/07/grafisch3-1000x423.png (Size:438986B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:46:1436009986.871266:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Showtimedenbosch-Logo_wit_verkleind-180x157.png (Size:7396B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:46:1436009986.231084:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2015/07/drivein3-300x257.png (Size:172530B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:46:1436009986.227177:2:info] Scanned contents of 1085 additional files at 0.92 per second
    [Jul 04 12:39:42:1436009982.795093:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2015/07/22-1000x430.png (Size:1.08M Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:42:1436009982.693487:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2015/07/drivein4-80x80.png (Size:23617B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:42:1436009982.579026:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2015/07/52-120x120.png (Size:46636B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:42:1436009982.575249:4:info] Scanning contents: google1189423cd1a6597d.html (Size:53B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:42:1436009982.571453:2:info] Scanned contents of 1081 additional files at 0.92 per second
    [Jul 04 12:39:39:1436009979.571700:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Layer_Slider3-1210x423.png (Size:1.09M Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:39:1436009979.556542:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/themes/enfold/config-layerslider/LayerSlider/static/js/tinymce.js (Size:2783B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:39:1436009979.548181:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/themes/enfold/framework/php/avia_shortcodes/sc/iconbox_top.js (Size:697B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:39:1436009979.536046:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/themes/enfold/config-woocommerce/images/star.png (Size:691B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:39:1436009979.488969:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/themes/enfold/js/mediaelement/skin-1/bigplay.png (Size:10794B Mem:47.8M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:39:1436009979.484501:2:info] Scanned contents of 1076 additional files at 0.91 per second
    [Jul 04 12:39:37:1436009977.518830:4:info] Scanning contents: wp-content/uploads/2011/01/slide17-845x600.png (Size:539101B Mem:46.5M)
    [Jul 04 12:39:37:1436009977.475739:4:info] Got a true deserialized value back from 'wfsd_engine' with type: object
    [Jul 04 12:39:37:1436009977.464369:4:info] Setting up scanRunning and starting scan
    [Jul 04 12:39:37:1436009977.462996:4:info] Setting up error handling environment
    [Jul 04 12:39:37:1436009977.460938:4:info] Requesting max memory
    [Jul 04 12:39:37:1436009977.459474:4:info] Done become admin
    [Jul 04 12:39:37:1436009977.457510:4:info] Scan authentication complete.

    Kind Regards,


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  • I have just fixed this on one website, and will now try the same on the others.
    First, I selected “Delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation?” in the options.
    Then I deactivated the plugin.
    Then I reactivated the plugin and the scan worked without problems.
    I hope that this gives you an idea of what the problem was, as what I did is equivalent to re-installing, I believe.

    I will relate this to the dev team. Many thanks for the update jhnplfry, that’s very helpful!

    Hi I just encountered this problem also – I deactivated the WordFence plugin after selecting the “delete Wordfence tables and data on deactivation”, then reactivated the plugin and attempted a scan but the scan still errored out giving me the fork and boolean message. When I unselected the “scan for signatures of known malicious files” option it completed. I agree that is a rather important feature – the scan for malicious files. I have not paid to become premium yet, still considering whether to do so. I have been running the Wordfence plugin for a couple of months now and am very happy with it, except for this new scan problem.

    Coincidentally (or not) after installing the new plugin update 6.1.3 my scans stopped working with “Scan can’t continue – stored data not found after a fork. Got type: boolean‘ error.

    I tried what was suggested in docs:

    1. disable config caching
    2. start scans remotely

    And tried:

    3. “Exclude files outside wp install”.
    4. Changing memory for process to lower number (based on memtest advice).

    What fixed it instantly was turning off MALWARE scan; ie. Unchecked “Scan for signatures of known malicious files” in options.

    Like the others who reported this, it is an uncomfortable solution.

    I don’t know if this additional issue is related to the underlying issues or not…

    The scan now completed ok and reported a changed core file. OK, can cope with that.

    But when I choose “Show how file has changed” I get the side-by-side window BUT it is empty of file content.

    I see no content on left or right of compare window. Just the yellow background and numbered rows.

    So may be related or not… never had this happen before so two strange things.

    P.S using WordPress 4.4.2

    Hello snaphappyme,
    We have a fix coming up for this in the next release of Wordfence which will be in a few days. It addresses a performance issue and will hopefully clear up the majority of “stored data not found after fork” errors.

    @wfasa thanks, will watch for it.

    Is the second issue I reported above included in patch?

    Should I wait for new release and if compare problem persists lodge ticket??

    Or lodge ticket for this error now?

    Hello snaphappyme,
    which file was it that returned an empty result?

    It was a Javascript file located in wp-includes.

    It was changed by the TwentyFifteen theme v1.5 update.

    I am guessing the compare function isn’t working as the file is compressed.


    Thanks for looking in to it snaphappyme! I will relate this to the team.

    Hello again snaphappyme,
    I have discussed with the team. You should not have gotten an indication that the files can be compared so we will file that as a bug. However, we suspect that the file in question could be bad. Could you email a copy of the file (wp-tinymce.js.gz) to [email protected] and include the link to this support page? Would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

    Emailed file to you as requested. Thanks

    Thanks snaphappyme, you should have gotten a response from them now. If you have any more questions let me know!

    Hi @wfasa

    Firstly thanks for the fast turnaround support wise.

    The file proved to be an artefact from a rollback from WP4.5 to 4.4.2, so Wordfence was correct in identifying it was different from the core.

    BUT, why did the compare window render empty for the two files? Neither the core file nor the modified file contents showed up in compare window.

    So is it correct the plugin should not have suggested a compare?, as the file type was not supported for comparisons in the side-by-side window? If yes, it’s a bug as you suggested earlier which needs a patch.


    Hello snaphappyme,
    yes that’s correct. That file type can not be read in plain text so you should not have been told you could view and compare. I was informed it was filed but I will check to make sure. Thanks for reporting!

    Hello again snaphappyme,
    I just wanted to confirm that we have filed this as a bug. Our internal case number is FB1657 in case you need to reference it in the future.

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