Additional Statistical info:
After moving the BPS Changlelog to the AITpro forum site and checking Google Analytics to get the total percentage of people who actually check the BPS Changelog before or after upgrading:
Using Google Analytics > Behavior > Site Content > All Pages > changelog URI
175 people have looked at the BPS Changelog out of 9,968 upgrades from BPS .52.5 to BPS .52.6
Percentage of people who checked the BPS Changelog before or after upgrading: 1.75% | .0175
The numbers are even lower than I thought they would be. I expected at least 1 in 10 people or 10 in 100 people or 10% of the people checking the Changelog. Anyway obviously the majority of people either are not aware that a changelog exists or what a changelog means or do not bother to check Changelogs.