Scan Failed (tried everything)
Please help, this is my error:
Scan Failed
The scan has failed to start. This is often because the site either cannot make outbound requests or is blocked from connecting to itself. Click here for steps you can try.and: The current scan looks like it has failed. Its last status update was 14 mins ago. You may continue to wait in case it resumes or stop and restart the scan. Some sites may need adjustments to run scans reliably.
I’ve tried swapping from Limited, to Standard, to High Sens – no difference.
I’ve tried starting scans remotely
No under construction plugins
/wp-admin is not password protected
The table _wfStatus looks fine in phpMyAdmin
/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php loads a 0Can I get help? I can run another with debug mode and send that diagnostics. Thank you!
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