• I’m finding it hard to let go of Sermon Browser because it deals with our long catalogue of audio and video (via Vimeo embeds) sermons, and attempted imports to other alternatives haven’t worked well.
    I was finding that using the filters under WordPress 5.5, Php 7.4 (Blocksy theme) was causing a “page not found” when Filter Type was ticked to the Drop-down option. However, in desperation, I tried the One-click option, and thankfully, this is working very nicely.
    It would seem, then, that some minor tidying up of code is needed, perhaps in the templates, to allow Sermon Browser to live on. We certainly intend to keep using it. Any coders able to offer a new set of templates?
    Same behaviour on our old site, now also WordPress 5.5, Php 7.4 but older DreamWeaver theme. Same solution!

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  • Hi, I am having the same issue on the form submit button. Not sure why, I have not had a chance to look at it . It does seem the new WordPress 5.5 broke the way the filters work when submitting the filters usign the drop-down option.

    So far, it looks like no support for the plug-in. We have a bunch of sermons as well and there is the Sermon Manager plugin that I looked at. It takes Sermon Browser sermons and pulls them into it to use, but I got layout code ouputs, when I tried installing it on a clean version of WordPress 5.5. Even when I deactivated the Sermon Browser.

    It seems to be on the submit of the form, there is something going on the the form “action”. Mainly because on the form action, it it supposed to post the query string so that the page can post the list. If you manually post the query string parameters in the URL it works. I think this is why the one-click option works, but this is not ideal for us. We need the full drop-down form.

    If any developers also want to look into it. That is a route to go down.

    ALSO, I ran into an issue, and this might be the Block editor issue or an issue with the X-Theme soemone else installed, but it seems that when trying to even edit the page, I am getting and error for the “sb_print…” function is killing the ability to view the page in the admin to edit it.

    Thread Starter basilintas


    Like createitcarlos, I am also finding that once I have created a page with the [sermons] shortcode in it under WP5.5 and PHP7.4, the page works, but gives “Error thrown
    Call to undefined function sb_podcast_url()” if you try to open it to edit it. My solution has been to delete the page and create another with the [sermons] shortcode, but it would be nice if someone had a clever fix for that issue as well.

    Line 1055 in /wp-content/plugins/sermon-browser/sb-includes/frontend.php
    <input type=”hidden” name=”page” value=”1″>

    When you post the var “page” wordpress breaks. Delete this line and filtering works again.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Rotanadan.
    Thread Starter basilintas


    Thanks, Rotanadan!
    That really seems to have helped.
    Now, when I filter, for example to a particular preacher, it brings up the collection for that preacher. When I click on the title of a sermon in that preacher’s collection, it seems to be a bit hit and miss whether it then brings up the details for that sermon. At times, and particularly when there is a Vimeo version linked by shortcode, it gives “exception thrown – String could not be parsed as XML”, but this is quite inconsistent, because the exception can come up when there is only an audio file linked, and for some sermons with video and audio versions linked, there is no exception.
    Anyway, I’m delighted that people like yourself with obvious php talent, are keeping an eye on these threads.
    My other, less important, observation is that under WP5.5, when adding a new sermon, the little calendar applet next to Date (yyyy-mm-dd) doesn’t respond. Thankfully, it still accepts the date typed in manually, eg 2021-01-24
    No doubt someone would know how to fix this…

    Thread Starter basilintas


    Woops! I was getting 2 issues mixed up in my previous response.
    In the SB Options page, choosing “one click” now works properly, and the dropdowns allow filtering by more than one criterion, eg Preacher and Book. Beautiful!
    Filtering by date works if the date is entered manually in the start date and end date boxes, but the applet icons don’t work, same as when adding a new sermon.

    Trying to edit a page with the [sermon] shortcode is still a problem.
    Error thrown Call to undefined function sb_print_filters()
    I tested this with and without other items on the page before and after the shortcode.
    At the moment, the only way to “edit” a page with the [sermon] shortcode seems to be to delete it, and create another (and adjust menu accordingly…)

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