Thank you, Michael. You just wouldn’t believe how many times I have downloaded the whole shebang, and deleted it from both the pc and the server. So, nice thought but I’ve done it all over and over.
It’s obviously the editing part for me. I don’t get all the stuff with the secret key (don’t know if I’m putting it in the right place, etc) and then the part …. wp_ something and it says to use only letters, numbers or underscores I think (don’t know….it’s dumped/deleted). Plus this stuff about language? THEN and only then it says to stop editing!
I thought all we had to change was the Mysql stuff which is what I did before and all went well.
Today I took a copy of the file from another one that went well and simply changed the Mysql settings for This server and I now get:
There doesn’t seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can get started. Need more help? We got it. You can create a wp-config.php file through a web interface, but this doesn’t work for all server setups. The safest way is to manually create the file.
Create a Configuration File
and if you click on that you get:
Sorry, I need a wp-config-sample.php file to work from. Please re-upload this file from your WordPress installation.
All in all it takes me back to the tutorial that has already burned my eyes out:) It doesn’t say whether to save it by omitting the “sample” part and/or adding the .php extension. To me it is implied but, oh jeez, I’m just getting confused. There have been so many variations of error messages that I don’t know where I was at or what I did to create each one.
Appreciate any and all suggestions. Really burned out and I needed this done yesterday:-)