• I have the following short codes in page. The first does the actual insert and 2nd shows records after insert. I have a shortcode ‘[currentuser_username]’ which shows current logged in site user. I’d like to insert that into db in Insert and then use that in the SQL. Is it possible to do this (shortcode within shortcode)?

    [abase form=”insert,1″ table=”life_task_tracking” elements=”trackHours, taskKey” columns=”Hours^trackHours, Task^taskKey$INSERT” ack=”green”]
    <p><br class=”spacer_” /></p>

    [abase sql=”Select lt.taskName as Task, ltt.trackHours as HoursSpent, taskDate as Date from life_task_tracking ltt, life_tasks lt where ltt.taskKey = lt.taskID “]


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  • Same problem please suggest me how can i add current user column

    Thread Starter cheetah2112


    Another thing I’m trying to figure out. Have a date field to enter date…If no date entered, default the date to today’s date…

    Great plugin but having a hard time trying to get these flexibilities to incorporate into ABASE.

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