• Hello, im using version 1.6.3 of the Onetone WordPress theme.

    After i load a completely blank wordpress site, and apply this theme, everything first looks ok.

    Then i can change absolutely nothing, and just hit save options in onetone options and it breaks the site. Each section displays the raw markup for the section like this:

    [ms_divider style="blank" align="left" width="100%" margin_top="30px" margin_bottom="0" border_size="" border_color="" icon="" class="" id=""] [ms_row no_padding="yes"] [ms_column style="1/3"][ms_image_frame src="https://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/7.jpg" link="javascript:;" link_target="_self" class="" id=""][/ms_column] [ms_column style="1/3"]....

    Please help?

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  • lawrencejorgers


    I’m having the same problem…
    Other than that, some options don’t work or work for some time than frezzes.
    Help, please??

    Theme Author MageeWP


    Sorry for the problem, we are dealing with it as soon as possible.

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