• Hello, im using version 1.6.3 of the Onetone WordPress theme.

    After i load a completely blank wordpress site, and apply this theme, everything first looks ok.

    Then i can change absolutely nothing, and just hit save options in onetone options and it breaks the site. Each section displays the raw markup for the section like this:

    [ms_divider style="blank" align="left" width="100%" margin_top="30px" margin_bottom="0" border_size="" border_color="" icon="" class="" id=""] [ms_row no_padding="yes"] [ms_column style="1/3"][ms_image_frame src="https://www.mageewp.com/onetone/wp-content/uploads/sites/17/2015/11/7.jpg" link="javascript:;" link_target="_self" class="" id=""][/ms_column] [ms_column style="1/3"]....

    Please help?

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