• Good Afternoon. I would like to know if there is a way to have WordPress save credentials that is used to sign into another application. I am creating a WordPress site to display data to be monitored. Through the use of using “Iframes” and the “img” tag I am pulling data from a senor to be monitor on the WordPress site I create. I am wondering if there is a way to have WordPress save these credentials by caching or any other method? I do not want end users to be given credentials to be able to see the data (for privacy/security reason) (plus it will be a hassle to put the credentials in several times on multiple clients just to have this data be displayed, to monitor it) but would just like the my WordPress site to cache/save it.

    P.S I am not talking about WordPress login credentials. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

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  • I think what you are looking for is more about saving the credentials in your browser or a password manager such as LastPass. iFrames are used across many website development/design platforms. Personally, I do not know of a way to make an iFrame remember login credentials. It might be possible with custom code though.

    Thread Starter Phil


    Saving the credentials in clients machine’s browser is not what I am looking for. One can easily go into the browser (ex. LastPass setting) and see the credentials. I wouldn’t want my users to be able to view such private information as the credentials to log into my monitor application (one could cause a lot of damage) …. I don’t think you understand what I am asking.

    Unfortunately, there is no way that I am aware of to program the credentials into the iframe. That would lead do many security issues the same as storing them in the browser. Worse actually since it is stored in a public space that can be hacked much easier than a local browser who someone who has access to it! Password managers like Last Pass offer 2 Factor Authentication to access the password database too.

    I wish you luck in finding a solution that works securely.

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