• Has anyone else seen this?
    Ecto 2.0b25 used to write, edit, etc. a post. Hit Publish and Ecto successfully loads up my post (pictures too thanks to this–>https://mycvs.org/archives/2004/08/22/combined-xml-rpc-patch-for-wordpress-12-and-ecto/).
    However … WordPress page doesn’t show the new entry, nor does it appear as a draft in wordpress’s Write page. Instead, I have to click on Edit which opens the screen of all the entries, click edit on the entry just uploaded open it in the edit window, click on the draft button, then save, then hit publish again.
    Somewhere I read here that one could change a piece of code so that an Ecto-published draft acted like a draft, appeared in the list of drafts on the Write page, etc.
    Any ideas? I’m posting this same question over at Ecto support forums, because I can’t immediately pin down whether this is a WP issue or an Ecto issue.

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  • Yes, I just noticed this issue today (with b26). Here’s what I have discovered, though I don’t know the reason yet. If you look carefully at the dates of the entries either in ecto or in the the edit sheet, you will noticed they are N hours in the future. WordPress is correctly not showing a post with a future date. When you change it to draft and re-publish it, I suspect you are changing the timestamp to something more reasonable and that is correcting the problem for you. I found that I could do something similar by using ecto’s Draft->Modify Date option, set it to “now” and then republish.
    — dNb

    Ok, sorry for the reply to my own post, but another poster in the ecto suport forums found the bug. It is in WP, not ecto.
    There are two places in xmlrpc.php with lines that begin with:
    $dateCreated = $dateCreated ? iso8601_decode($dateCreated)?? : strtotime…
    Change both of them so that the part between the question mark and the colon says:
    iso8601_decode($dateCreated) + ($time_difference*3600)
    This will apply the correct offset from UTC.
    Then make sure you’ve entered “Times in the weblog should differ by:” in the Options sheet properly.
    Hope this helps.
    — dNb

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