Hey @fiskebyxa,
Thanks for getting back to me with the screen shot that was very helpful! It looks like the TinyMCE javascript isn’t being loaded. Most likely your theme or a plugin is removing that code for some reason.
A way you could test this theory out is by going back to that console and pasting in this:
typeof window.tinymce.translate
When you hit enter it should say “function” if that function is available like it should be and it will say “undefined” if it is not included.
You could also check if tinymce is available at all:
typeof window.tinymce
That should say “object” if it is defined.
If it is missing like I suspect you can force it to load with a function:
add_action( 'admin_init', 'yikes_add_tiny_mce' );
function yikes_add_tiny_mce() {
$check_post_type = get_post_type();
// Make sure we're on the product edit page.
if ( 'product' !== $check_post_type ) {
$js_src = includes_url('js/tinymce/') . 'tinymce.min.js';
$css_src = includes_url('css/') . 'editor.css';
// wp_enqueue doesn't seem to work at all
echo '<script src="' . $js_src . '" type="text/javascript"></script>';
wp_register_style( 'tinymce_css', $css_src );
wp_enqueue_style( 'tinymce_css' );
This code would go into your theme or child themes functions.php file. You could also contact the creator of your theme and ask them if they have an easy way to turn TinyMCE back on.
I hope this helps!