• Hi , I am using your great Two Factor Auth plugin. I am using it with the otp sent by e-mail and with session’s otp. I need to know if there is the possibility to retrieve / or save in a specific fields that I will create in the user’s profile in WP 4.2.2 the last session’s otp that the user inserted when he/she login. I need to do it because I need to ask to the user to reinsert the session’s OTP to confirm a form that I created with the plugin Formidable form. Formidable form let me to verify if what the user insert in a form’s field is the same of a field in the user’s profile so I would like to use this formidable form function

    add_filter(‘frm_validate_field_entry’, ‘your_custom_validation’, 20, 3);
    function your_custom_validation($errors, $field, $value){
    if ($field->id == 31){ //change 31 to the ID of the confirmation field (second field)
    $first_value = $_POST[‘item_meta’][30]; //change 30 to the ID of the first field

    if ( $first_value != $value && !empty($value) ) {
    $errors[‘field’. $field->id] = ‘The email addresses entered do not match.’;//Customize your error message
    $_POST[‘item_meta’][$field->id] = ”; //if it matches, this clears the second field so it won’t be saved
    return $errors;

    to verify if the user insert in the rigth way the session’s OTP to confirm the form. I hope that you can help me. Thank you in advance for any help.


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